Party at the Hideout!

Start from the beginning

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” He yelled.

Not Basil turned to him and with a blank expression moved out of the way. Something latched onto Hero and threw him back.

“Pointless.” Not Basil sighed, looking at Hero who tried to pick himself off the ground.

“What the fuck!?” Aubrey yelled in rage.

“Ow…” Hero groaned in pain as Kel ran to his side.

Not Basil rolled his eyes and faced Sunny who was panting on the ground. He raised his shears again and Sunny faced him with terror in his eyes.

“Goodbye, Sunny.”

Screams from multiple people rang out.

It was a quick motion but that was all Not Basil needed. The shears were inserted right into Sunny’s right eye. Blood was quickly spreading everywhere. Not Basil looked at his work with joy.

Sunny felt like he was hit with a truck. His head felt like it was going to fall off his shoulders.

He was terrified.

His heart was beating so hard that he felt like it was going to break his ribs.

Not Basil shot him a tired look.

“Even now you are trying to persist? You know you deserve what I just did.”

Sunny’s vision was getting blurry. He heard shouting but his brain couldn’t make out what was being said.

“Don’t worry, Sunny. Everything is going to be okay.”


His eyes shut.


After Hero was brutally thrown back, Aubrey knew damn well the thing in front of them wasn’t Basil. That didn’t stop her from yelling a quick “What the fuck!?”

Aubrey looked at the Fake Basil and Fake Basil stared right back.

He had to be a fake.

Basil doesn’t have empty yet rage-filled eyes.

Yet whenever you stared at Sunny’s empty eyes you didn’t feel anything or think anything of it. What a hypocrite.

Aubrey felt the thought bite her in the back of her mind but she had to ignore it. If she didn’t ignore it then Sunny could die.

Speaking of Sunny dying, Fake Basil was speaking to him with his shears in the air.

Aubrey tried to move forward but the one-eyed demon appeared, filling her with rage. She tried to whack it with her bat only for it to dodge.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get the thing to move.

A scream rang out and Aubrey immediately stopped what she was doing in time to witness Sunny getting stabbed.


She heard Kel and Hero scream as well but she was far too pissed off to register it.

That’s when she saw the demon flicker out of existence before flickering back in.

It was quick like a light turning off and on but noticeable.

Aubrey felt her body freeze.

If this thing was a part of Sunny’s mind like Kel theorized, that meant…

“Oh, hell no.” She whispered.

Time felt she looked over to the fake version of Basil who looked tired yet satisfied. When he noticed Sunny’s chest still moving his expression changed to annoyances. His mouth moved but Aubrey didn’t hear the words. Her ears were buzzing and the only thing she could hear was the angry waves of thoughts buzzing in her head.

Her grip on the bat became tighter and she knew what she must do.

The moment the one-eyed demon disappeared she ran forward. The fake Basil turned to see her charging at him with nothing holding her back.

At that moment, life returned to Basil’s eyes, and his face twisted in terror as his face met the back of Aubrey’s bat, the side with no nails.

Basil’s body fell backward, directly on top of Sunny who let out a light groan. Good, he was still alive.

“Kel! Call an ambulance!” She screamed at him.

Kel, who was leaning Hero who had passed out against a tree, nodded and quickly pulled out his phone.

She just hoped they weren’t too late.

She couldn’t keep losing the ones close to her….

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