We've sunk. I couldn't save you. I'm sorry...my best friend.

Start from the beginning

Walking a bit ahead they ran into Dream Basil again.

Aubrey bit her lip to prevent herself from letting out a groan. Whatever this truth was must have made Sunny hate Basil a lot. She couldn’t think about why else his brain would keep killing him. If only the deaths weren’t so brutal though.

“Oh, hey again! God, I must be really tired if I blacked out so many times, hehe!” He laughed nervously, “Well, let’s get going! I thought I heard noises up ahead and I want to check it out with you!”

Dream Basil walked over to Basil and held his hand, pulling him forward. The others followed close behind, mentally preparing themselves for what is up ahead. It only took a bit of walking for them to near a swing set that Dream Basil ran over to and jumped on. Omori walked forward as well and simply sat on the other swing as Dream Basil had fun.

It was a wholesome sight. Aubrey felt worse for what was in store.

They got off and continued walking, more trees appearing and blocking their way.

Up ahead was a shadowy figure that looked like Hero. He stood still before making a motion with his hands for them to follow them.

“Omori! Wasn’t that Hero!? He looked like he wanted us to follow him! Let’s go!” Dream Basil smiled as he ran forward in excitement.

Aubrey knew this was a bad thing and began preparing herself. The world seemed to slow down as they followed him.

The sky grew patches willed with static and random items were floating around. The trees seemed to glitch into each other and the sound of static filled the air. There was a huge patch in the ground where the shadow figure stood. The hands that normally teleported them to Black Space appeared and built a bridge for the figure to move across. Dream Basil walked ahead of them and the others ran after him.

Up ahead stood three shadow figures. They turned to look at Dream Basil and horrifying smiles covered their faces.

“H̶e̴l̵l̵o̸ ̷B̸a̴s̸i̸l̸,̶ ̶h̸o̴w̷ ̴h̷a̸v̶e̴ ̸y̶o̴u̵ ̷b̸e̵e̸n̸?̷” One figure spoke.

“I’ve been fine! A bit lost but I managed!” Dream Basil smiled.

“N̶o̷.̶ ̸N̴o̴t̸ ̶y̸o̶u̵.̵” The figure spoke again, “T̶h̷e̷ ̶r̴e̶a̴l̶ ̷B̶a̶s̸i̵l̴ ̴i̴s̵ ̶t̸h̵e̴ ̷o̴n̷e̵ ̸I̷ ̵w̷i̶s̷h̵ ̴t̸o̶ ̵s̵p̴e̴a̴k̵ ̷t̶o̸.̴”

Dream Basil froze, his eyes widening before he collapsed on the ground.

The figures then turned to the rest of the group.

“P̶u̵t̸ ̵o̸n̶ ̵t̷h̴e̵ ̴m̶a̴s̷k̵s̶.̷” The figures commanded, “Y̵o̶u̷ ̶k̷n̸o̷w̴ ̴w̴h̴i̵c̷h̷ ̶o̶n̴e̶s̵ ̷b̴e̶l̸o̸n̸g̸ ̴t̸o̴ ̵y̶o̷u̷.̵”

The figures disappeared, leaving only an afraid mask behind.

Aubrey’s mind immediately flashed to the mirror and the way the masks had become their faces. The way Sunny’s face was covered in blood.

The masks suddenly appeared in their hands. The angry one staring right at her, almost like it was begging to be put on. She saw fear on everyone else’s face as Basil walked forward and picked up the afraid one.

Kel held the happy one while Hero held the sad one.

Hesitantly, they put the masks on, not knowing what to expect.

Nothing happened. No feeling of the mask morphing in with her skin, no screaming or crying, nothing at all. Just the weight of the mask on their faces.

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