36 - Everything Goes Right. Right?

Start from the beginning

"Now what can I do for you?" She asked again.

I nodded then asked Lady Myre to follow me, but before we could walk, Lady Myre stopped me from leaving, then, the still active portal shows a few people exiting it. There was one man and one woman who had the body of a warrior and wore full armor. The aura and pressure from two of them, was not inferior of Lady Myre.

"Let me introduce you Arthur, they are my friends and my bodyguards, Berdine and Grace"

After they pass through the portal, the relic is not active again. And the man, who I assumed was named Berdine, picked it up from the ground and threw it at me. I caught it and nodded at both of them, they looked at me and nodding slightly.

"Come on, let's walk, tell me what has happened so far"

I walked side by side with Lady Myre, then I told her how the war had been going on here, how the resistance our soldiers were facing, and I also told her about Ross's condition, and because of that I activated the Relic.

"So the war in Burim City is still going on?" I nodded in response. "Then what about the Asuras? Are Aldir and Wisdom not showing their noses anymore?"

"Yeah, before they left, they said they can't interfere in our war anymore" I said with rolling my eyes.

According to the book that Ross read, when the timeline in the book occurred, we were currently losing the war centered on the city of Etistin and the attack by sea. Aldir and Wisdom back then didn't interfere in our war, and didn't help when we lost the war. And when the surviving Dicathenians hid themselves in the underground shelters, Aldir scorched Elenoir and the remaining citizens, since the Alacryan army had managed to take control of the area.

I gritted my teeth at the memory of the incident that Ross told me about.
But, I promise, that won't happen this time.

Lady Myre also told me, how things were on the Apheotus continent and how our plans had developed.

"And regarding the girl who is also tied to my granddaughter" I came back to my senses at Lady Myre's words "I'll check her now"

"Thank you Lady" I nodded then I activated the third phase of Sylvia's will, when I activated it, my hair grew longer and also changed color to wheat white. Golden runes are engraved all over my body. And with that I formed a teleportation portal.

I glanced at Lady Myre who was currently looking at me with a sad look. "Your aura is the same as Sylvia's," she said in a whisper.

I just smiled sadly then walked into the portal.

Lady Myre and her followers followed me from behind. When passing through the portal, the treatment room was immediately visible, and there was Ross lying down. In this room there were only Sylvie and Regis waiting for us.

"Grandma!" I glanced at Sylvie who ran to her grandmother then hugged Lady Myre.

I averted my eyes and looked at Ross who was still asleep on the hospital bed. Hers body flickered a few times as if she was about to fade away, and that was all I could see. I've asked a few people, but they don't see that Ross's body seems to be fading. Even elder Rinia didn't see this. And somehow I see this.

And yeah, elder Rinia just told me.
Tells me she's known for a long time, about who Ross and I really are. And she also told me that Ross would return to hers world and everyone in this world would forget about her.

I sighed.
Suddenly all the memories of Ross and I being together swirled in my head.
When I first met her, when we practiced together, when the difficulties I always went through.
And even some of the memories that I had forgotten, recently I remember.

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