The Injured Bat - 10

Start from the beginning

And man,

those toned abs plastered with scars and old bullet wounds, and then the fresh graze.

That was hot.

You shook your head, cursing yourself under your breath.

You began to wipe his chest, cleaning the open wound before applying a bandage. You looked up to his face, almost expecting him to be awake, but his dark eyeshadowed eyes were still closed, and the mask still hid his face.

You slowly took off the armored cloth arm pieces, leaving him shirtless, with only his pants, boots and a mask on. It looked silly, but hot.

Still hot.

You continued treating his arm wounds and as you finished you quickly went and put his shirt in the wash.

You definitely did it because it was bloody, not because you would get to look at the batman shirtless for a little while longer.

You summoned all your strength and began to lift him up onto your couch carefully. You propped his head on a pillow, and shut off most of the lights in the room.

You gazed at him. Feeling almost wrong for helping him, but it had been the right decision.

A while later, you grabbed his freshly washed shirt and organized his armor, putting it on the floor next to the couch.

You were about to put his shirt back but you froze, looking at him.

He had so many scars acrossed his chest, abs, and the rim of his pant line. You wondered what type of story each had. You kneeled down next to him slightly touching his scars, tracing them with your finger.

They were sad but beautiful.

Deep in thought, you held your face close looking at the scars individually.

You placed the palm of your hand on him.

"So beautiful" You mumbled to yourself.

You zoned out for a minute.

You were so distracted that you didn't realized he had started opening his eyes, regaining consciousness.

Out of reflex, the batman shot up, groaning at the newly bandaged injuries and grabbed your wrist. He pulled you up onto the couch with him and slammed you into the armrest, as to disarm you.

His body hovered over yours, in all its shirtless masculine glory.

You flinched, your voice quivering as you noticed his hand go up to check that his mask was on.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes wide with confusion, not realizing who you were yet in the daze of just waking up.

"I- I, you were unconscious- I had to help- I-...didn't look underneath your mask-- batman-"

You muttered quickly, slurring your words together out of fright and.... admittedly, slight arousal.

He was on top of you pinning you to a couch shirtless, after all.


His grip loosened, realizing who you were.

He slowly started to get off of you, his weakened body trembling slightly.

He had been scared, really scared.

As he tried to get off of you, his body collapsed back onto you.

You gasped, helping him lift himself back up and he wrapped his arm around you as you helped him rest his back against the couch in the proper manner.

"I'm s-sorry-.. I was just about to put on your shirt before you suddenly woke.. your armor is just on the floor at your feet-"  You got up grabbing his shirt handing it to him.

He just replied with a slight gruff. Not saying anything.

Your faced was red with embarassment as you began to turn to walk away.

"I'll leave you to that then-"

"I need help..." The bat muttered in his low voice.

You looked back at him. His face was pink with embarassment, or was it shame?. Upon looking closer at his face, you realized that his slightly greasy hair had been poking out too.

His arms were slouched, seemingly defeated, as his hands were slightly in the arm holes of his black shirt.

"w-what?" You said, making sure you heard him correctly.

"I need help....putting my shirt back on."

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