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"I want you to know that this is only being done because of the current situation we are in."

"I appreciate you making this exception for me, Headmaster. Honestly."

Dumbledore carefully held the famous Sorting Hat in his hands, "This is mainly being done for your protection. Should it say that you are no longer Slytherin, then we will make those adjustments."

"And if it doesn't?" Augustus nervously asked as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Then I suppose it will be every man for himself." Professor Snape replied.

Augustus sat in Dumbledore's office with Snape and Dumbledore. He asked to be resorted, if that was possible. Dumbledore was initially hesitate until he realized the current atmosphere of Hogwarts and Lorelei being gone.

Dumbledore placed the hat on Augustus' head.

"Back again, are we?" It asked, "Ah, I see... Mister Cairo. You are different, I see. I remember all those years ago you prayed to be in Slytherin..."

"I wanted my parents to be proud." Augustus bleakly said, "But they aren't around anymore so..."

The Sorting Hat went on for over 5 minutes. Babbling and pondering about which house Augustus should be in.

"I see your character has not changed, only your will to fight what you know and who you want to be. You have stayed loyal to your best friend despite what she has been accused of..." The Hat said, "And for that, I shall put you in... Gryffindor!"

Augustus sighed in relief and Dumbledore removed the hat with a small smile. He transformed the colors of his robes to Gryffindor colors, "I wish you all the luck, Mister Cairo. We will have your things moved to your new dorm."

From the Gryffindor common room, Zoya was going on about Umbridge.

"I mean honestly, how much pink can one person wear at a time?!" Zoya asked Fred.

"You should deck yourself out in pink. I think it would be a good look for you." Fred joked.

"Not a chance."

Harry walked into the common room, and a few students all glared at him. He turned to Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnagan, "Dean? Seamus? Good holiday?"

"All right." Dean replied, "Better than Seamus's, anyway."

Seamus slammed down his newspaper and stood up, "My mum didn't want me to come back this year."

"Why not?"

"Let me see... uh, because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you, Harry, and about Dumbledore as well."

"And do you just believe anything you read, Finnigan?" Zoya asked with her arms crossed, "I think you need to rethink how you go about things."

"Stay out of it, Kien!" Seamus snapped before turning back to Harry.

"Your mum believes them?" Harry asked him.

"Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died. Other than his killer, Lorelei Malfoy! Bet you two were plotting his death for months!" Seamus said.

"Oh, well, I guess you should read the Prophet then, like your stupid mother. It'll tell you everything you need to know. Lorelei did not kill him!"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" Seamus yelled.

"I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar or Lorelei a killer."

Ron walked into the room, "What's going on?"

Seamus pointed at Harry, "He's mad is what's going on! Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?"

"Yeah, I do." Ron said, "Does anyone else got a problem with Harry? If you do, I'd like to introduce you to Zoya Kien, who will kick all your arses if you say a word!" He said, giving Zoya a small smile.

"And she's also my girlfriend!" Fred proudly chimed in.

"Yes, we all know that, Fred." Ron said.

The door to the common room opened, and Augustus shyly walked in next to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall in his new robes. A few people gasped, "Due to recent events, we have allowed Augustus Cairo to be resorted. The Hat decided to sort him into Gryffindor. I expect you all to welcome him as you did for each other." Dumbledore said, "Fred and George Weasley, please escort Mister Cairo to your dorms. He will be taking up the spare bed."

The two jumped up from their spot and took Augustus upstairs. Dumbledore and McGonagall walked out of the dorm without another word. Ron ushered Harry upstairs as well, knowing more bickering was going to come from him and Seamus.

Seamus scoffed as soon as the teachers left, "First Harry walks free, and now we have a snake in our house!"

Zoya got up and harshly shoved by him, "Don't be such a dick, Seamus." She said, walking up to her dorm.

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