Chapter Ten: Abilities?

Start from the beginning

That sat fairly close in every class, in one they actually were unfortunate enough to be sat directly next to each other.

The tension between them never disappeared, making for a very uncomfortable day. Marinette's shoulders never relaxed, she was always on the edge of her seat, watching him closely.

Marinette felt like she was getting a headache by the end of her last class.

It was a relief when she was able to go home, she was in the mood to work in some commissions.

She practically ran to the limo when it pulled up, not wasting any time.

When she got in, she noticed a gray limo pulling up behind them.

"You okay, Mari?" Penny asked as she entered the limo.

She slowly nodded her head, never taking her eyes off the limo.

When they started to pull off, she watched Damian enter the limo.

Marinette's eyes narrowed. That was interesting.

"Marinette, are you sure you're okay?" Penny asked again.

Marinette quickly snapped her head towards her.

"I'm fine," She said quickly, frustrated that she had made Penny worried.

Penny raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't press further, knowing that Marinette would tell her if it was serious.

Marinette ran quickly to her room when she got home.

"Marinette you look worried," Tikki stated as she popped out of her purse.

Marinette looked over at her and laughed.

"I'm fine! There was this kid at school that—but I'm fine. If anything, I'm exaggerating," She said reassuringly.

Tikki automatically froze and floated closer to her, having not felt this.

"Did you possibly feel slightly light-headed around that kid?" She asked urgently.

Marinette, knowing that she would not get any answers by asking her why or other questions, decided it would be best to use answer her.

Marinette nodded her head. "Yes, I got a mild headache."

Tikki immediately squealed.


That did not make sense.

Marinette looked at her weirdly.

"Guardian's start to unlock certain...abilities, eventually. The better the Guardian, the more abilities you'll get!" Tikki smiled. "You're probably going to get an ability soon!"

"But why around that boy?" That made no sense to Marinette.

"I don't know...Maybe once you unlock your ability we can figure it out."

Marinette was stunned. She got powers? That was something she was unaware of.

Suddenly, Marinette yawned.

"You should sleep Marinette. Today was a big day," Tikki said kindly.

Marinette slowly nodded. That was a good idea, she didn't have any homework today.



"There is a new student at school that concerns me," Damian calmly stated to everyone at the dinner table.

His voice bounced off the walls, echoing slightly in the room.

"Does their name happen to be Marinette?" Bruce said from his seat.

"I don't know her name. She wasn't exactly happy with me," He explained in a cold tone.

Jason broke out into laughter from across the table.

"Shut it, Todd." Damian said in an icy calm voice, the threat clear in his voice.

"Wasn't exactly happy," Jason's shoulders shook with laughter.

Damian clenched his hands into fists, this was why they could never have a civil conversation.

"Todd, one more word from your inane mouth—," His father's words cut him off.

"This girl is becoming more and more interesting," Bruce said, a weird edge to his voice.

"Indeed," Alfred said, popping out from who knows where.

Jason jumped in his seat, genuinely surprised by the appearance of the Butler.

"Damian, keep an eye on her," Bruce said, looking directly at his son, telling Damian that this was important.

Damian slowly nodded his head, he was determined to figure her out. Something had already happened with her that made his father suspicious, and while that did not say a lot, his father was normally right.


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