Chapter Fifty-Four: Secrets are meant to be Keeped

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Alfred appears on the screen and with a concerned tone, he addresses Bruce, "Master Bruce, may you please reconsider this plan. It could be dangerous for both teenage heroes in Paris."

Bruce, who is on a mission, raises an eyebrow and asks, "Are you suggesting that I can't handle my emotions?"

Alfred coughs "Of course not, Master Bruce, but you should really reconsider this. Master Damian is rather getting more and more" Alfred pauses, thinking for the right way to describe the young master as "Suspicious." The butler sighs.

Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose and says, "I bet you could handle this while I'm gone."

Alfred turns his face to a serious expression and responds, "Likewise, I'm sure Ms. Gordon would have wanted to be invited to this precious mission that you have been spending your time on," he adds with a hint of sarcasm.

Bruce releases a big sigh and agrees, "I know, Alfred. But this mission is important. And you know the risks of bringing Barbara here."

"I do understand, Master Bruce. But have you considered that your children need you more than anything?" Alfred expresses his concern, "I fear that Master Damian might be falling into depression."

Bruce understands Alfred's concern, but he says, "I know, Alfred. But I have to do this."

Alfred tries to reason with Bruce, "Understood, Master Bruce. But truthfully, Master Damian needs a father, not Batman."

Bruce is taken aback by Alfred's comment and falls silent.



Day one

There seems to be a problem in Paris. Not only is the Paris news not working, but it is also unusual that Paris suddenly has heroes. Recently, Cassandra and Stephanie went on a trip to Paris and their report was quite unusual.

According to them, a villain who seemed to be Hawkmoth and a 'sidekick' who seemed to be Lady Wi-Fi had attacked. They also saw two Parisian heroes who appeared to be teenagers. Although their fighting techniques were impressive, it was clear that the kids were not trained, which made it even worse to put them in the street to fight a villain twice their age.

This made me feel like it was a case that needed investigation. However, when I tried to gather evidence, I couldn't find any. The Paris News and other related websites were blocked, and it seemed like someone who knew what they were doing was behind it.

Despite this, I couldn't give up. These kids need help, and I am determined to help them, just like Batman would.

Day Two

It has been two days, and I am still unable to find anything about them. Even Stephanie and Cassandra claimed to be clueless. While they were in Paris, they had access to the Paris news, but when they left, even after the screen recording, it was deleted.

I wondered if it could be the work of a hacker, but it seemed impossible. How would they know that she had recorded it? Unless there were more than one hacker, but that was also unlikely.

Stephanie and Cassandra returned with damaged thoughts about everything that happened. There were many details missing, making it feel like this villain and these two Parisian heroes were from a fantasy book. It led me to conclude that magic could be involved.

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