Chapter Four: Trouble with Pinocchio

Start from the beginning

Lie-la: Of course not. I just don't want a critic to come and put in a bad word about the bakery. When I get mad, I tend to rant to my mom about it. And my mom can easily arrange something.

Marinette: Why would you be telling the truth now when you lie to normally get your way?

Lie-la: For once i'm not actually lying, see, my mom is Alberto Louis's cousin.

Lie-la: You can check his bio in twitter.    ;)

Adrien aGRASSte: You're not very good at grammar, you know.

Lie-la: And remember, your friends already don't trust you. Remember that day? You don't want that to happen to your parents to, do you?

Chloe: Don't you DARE BRING THAT UP!!!

Adrien aGRASSte: With* Too* (Lie-la seriously, are you sick or something?

Adrien aGRASSte: Now that is just cruel.

Marinette: That. . .

Marinette: Low blow, Lila, low blow.

Marinette Blocked Lie-La

Chloe: WHAT?


  The memory of that day swirled inside of  Marinette's head.


"Finally done!" Marinette said happily, as she examined the last of her friends' outfits.

"I still don't understand why you had to make the whole class's outfits." Tikki said chuckling.

"I know, but they're still my friends, even if we are arguing a bit right now."

Marinette could admit she was worried, the class was practically wrapped around Lila's finger at this point. But she knew she could trust her friends to not believe her when it mattered most. As she had one thing over Lila, years of friendship.

"Let's go," Marinette said quickly when she saw the time.

They got to the school rather quickly. And everyone instantly came towards Marinette in excitement.

She was proud of her work, she had spent months on all of the outfits trying to get them each just right.

She started handing them out, ignoring Lila's slightly disgusted face she made when she grabbed hers.

Lila couldn't even see it yet, as it was in a protective bag.

Marinette grabbed hers from her backpack and went to put it on, when she heard a scream.

"See! See how she treats me? This isn't even the worst that she's done!" Lila wailed.

She rushed out to see Lila in tears, holding a shredded dress.

"Why are you so mean to me!?" She shrieked, her voice shaking.

"How could you?" A hurt voice rang through the room.

She turned around to see Alya holding her dress in her hands.

"It was perfectly fine when I left-"


She turned to see Juleka ripping her dress to pieces.

She looked at Marinette with a horrifying glare.

Rip. Rip. RIP.

Marinette could feel tears running down her cheeks as they ripped their outfits, throwing insults at her.

She looked at Alya, asking with her eyes for her to believe her.

Alya closed her eyes, took a deep breath. Then grabbed a corner of the dress.

Marinette's lower lip quivered.

Alya looked at her menacingly then tugged hard at the dress.



Marinette's hand's shook at the memory, her whole self not knowing how to deal with such a sudden surge of her emotions. Marinette had shoved that memory down as deep as she could, it it had always brought back unwanted feelings.

Tikki simply caressed Marinette's cheek, ushering her back to bed, trying to ignore her friends tears as she knew that if she did not, she herself would start crying too. Because as of right now, she had to be strong for Marinette.


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