Chapter 3- what..?

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Overhead warnings!
This chapter includes Abuse! Sh! Mentions of blood and injuries! Homophobia! Use of vulgar vocabulary (f slur, swearing)!

Additional warning-
Gay ships

Kenny's POV
Once I had gotten to my house, I stopped and took a breather before stepping inside. I calmed myself down knowing that if I was caught, I would be in deep shit.

I inhaled quickly and slowly opened the door. I looked around the passage way and no one eas there. I was in the clear so far. I crept inside and half way up the stairs, when I got caught.

"What do you think you're doing er- ke-kevin"
My dad spoke.
"Nothing dad. Just going to my room"
I said hesitantly.
"Don't lie to me with those words boy"
He yelled. His voice had such a slur to it. He was obviously drunk. It didn't take a genius to figure that one out. He then started to come up the stairs and I ran for it.

"C'mere you little brat!"
He shouted.

I ran into my room, not knowing where else to go. I stood there helplessly while my dad burst into the door, almost taking it off it's hinges.

He walked over to me slowly, looking like he had just escaped from a mental asylum.

He grabbed me by my hair and threw me into my wardrobe like I weighed a feather, which I probably did.

He looked me dead in the eyes while I was on the floor, glaring at him. He was terrifying. Menacingly, a grin crept across his mouth, just showing his pearly white teeth.

He gripped onto my now showing shirt and lifted me up to his face, the stubble on his face barely wiping past my chin.

"Freak" he spoke.

He threw me onto the floor and started to punch me. Everything started to become a blur, although I didn't want to pass out. It would give him the perfect opportunity to kill me or do anything. I couldn't help it unfortunately and everything went purple, then black.

I woke up in a haze, my eyes fluttering shut due to the brightness. I lay in my bed for about five more minutes before gathering some of the strength I had in me to lift myself up.

I looked around my room, nothing had changed. It had just got messier. That's when I remembered what had happened and suddenly, my head started to pound.

Then everything went black, only this time I could see. I was conscious and all I could see was darkness with a glowing light around my body.

A shrill cry echoed in the iniquity. Alarmed, I looked around when icy fingers latched  onto my arm and towed me in.

I hunched my eyes together in despair when I heard a voice. The voice of a little girl. She sounded.. scared. Frightened.

I opened my eyes to a brunette girl holding onto me tightly, calling my name. It was Karen.

"You okay princess?" I said

"Kenny? Kenny you're awake! You scared me so much." She cried. "What happened to you? Your black and blue!" She shrieked.

"Don't worry Karen. I just got into a fight at school with some assholes" I lied

"Your bruises would of healed up by now" she said with a stern look on her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely.

"You've been out for two weeks Kenny" she said.


Omg I'm so sorry I haven't posted this! I couldn't think of anything for it haha. Not as long as the other ones but I'll try to make them longer of you would wish! Thank you for the kind comment I got and for the votes! I love that you guys are reading this! Anyway, until next time!
611 words

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