Li Rong stood up, shook Tang He's hand lightly, and said with a smile, "I'm not in good health now, In the future."

He knew that Tang He probably regarded him as a weak embroidered pillow.

However, he doesn't mind, sometimes being despised by others, he can often occupy a greater initiative.

Cen Wei lowered his eyes and stared at the hands that Li Rong and Tang He were shaking, and pulled it apart involuntarily: "Okay, let's train."

Li Rong took advantage of the situation to withdraw his hand and stood beside Cen Wei with a smile.

Tang He silently rolled his eyes at Cen Wei's possessiveness. He is an old man who is almost half a century old, so what can he think of children.

Just hold a finger.

The son of the chairman of the dignified chamber of commerce, he was indeed fascinated by beauty.

But on the way to the training room, Li Rong's eyes swept over Cen Wei, looked at Tang He, and asked abruptly, "How many people will take the exam in the ninth district next year?"

Because of the special nature of the nine district examination, every year There is a big difference in the number of participants. In some years, the competition is fierce, while in some years it is easy. Knowing the number of candidates in advance and making reasonable plans are probably the wishes of every candidate.

Tang He looked at Li Rong vigilantly, and after a while, said indifferently: "How do I know this, I'm not the examiner."

Li Rong put his hand in the pocket of his cotton coat, smiling innocently: "I can't reveal it, right? I'm sorry, I won't ask."

Tang He frowned.

Because there are many people who come to him for mock exams, according to the laws of previous years, he can indeed estimate the approximate number of people.

But for the sake of fairness in the exam, he could not reveal it to anyone.

Not even Cen Wei.

But Tang He listened to Li Rong's warm and gentle voice, and couldn't bear to refuse hard.

He said, "Don't worry, Cen Wei will definitely pass the test."

But he soon found that Li Rong, who received his comforting words, did not have too obvious mood swings, as if Li Rong was not worried about whether Cen Wei would pass the test at all. question.

Walking to the training room, Tang He immediately threw off his coat and took out a special pistol from the props cabinet.

This pistol is filled with blank bullets with rubber bullets. The bullets will hurt when hitting people, but nothing will happen.

Tang He held the gun in his hand and turned twice, then spread his legs, stood carelessly towards the center of the training room, raised his chin towards Cen Wei: "Come."

Li Rong leaned against the window, his elbows on the small balcony , his eyes fell on Cen Wei.


The Jiu District is obviously just an organization to curb bad business practices and supervise the operation of the United Chamber of Commerce, but in terms of strict requirements on members, this work is more dangerous than the rights it carries.

Cen Wei didn't refute, he shook off his jacket and wore an ordinary shirt and jeans.

However, he has a very good figure, and such a normal outfit can't cover his beautiful muscle outline.

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