Clap your Hands if you Believe

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So I have a sliver of soul left and I'm about to become like soul less Sam but 10 billion times worse since I'm a teenager.
Sam and Dean just walked up to the car, they were talking about lying again then being honest. then Sam said" so your saying you'd be my jiminy cricket." I sniggered, Dean said" shut up, but yeah, you freakin puppet. that's exactly what I'm saying." I said" oh this is gonna be funny." Dean said" yeah, sliver of soul, Bella." I said" shut up." he started driving once Sam was in.
They went into this clock shop or something then came out. we left Sam, going to the corn field. Dean left me in the car, then left.
It's been awhile since Dean went out there. I got out and ran, I'm not gonna stop this time.
I'm out of town, far out of town. deans probably gonna kill me but I don't care. Sam is soul-less, so he probably doesn't know the difference. they don't need my help, Dean doesn't need to keep me in eye site he's already got Sam to handle with but me he won't be able to handle both of us.
I got a call from Dean. he said" get back here right now, Bella!" I said" fine." I started my way back.
I made it to them, Dean said" you lost all your soul didn't you?" I nodded, he said" get in the car, lets hit the road." I got in the car and we hit the road.

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