I think I love you too!!

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~Iruka's POV~

He was gone for almost a week now. I am starting to miss him. I wanted to ask him about the kiss, but i never got the chance to. He's away on a mission amd hasn't come back yet. I heard it's a S-rank. I hope that nothing happened to him.

I was lost in thought until i absentmindedly walk to ichiraku. "Ne... Iruka sensei, you haven't been here for awhile and how is Naruto doing?" Ayame-san asked in her usual cheerful way.

"Ayame-san! I don't really know where Naruto is now but im pretty sure he's missing ichiraku ramen." I chuckled and sit down to have my favorite ramen.

~Kakashi's POV~

I haven't seen him after the little kiss incident. I think I messed up his mind. Actually I messed up my own mind too. Shit! damn me! Can't keep my lips inside my mask!

I was gonna go for ichiraku for a quick breakfast after i came home from the mission and also after getting my head chewed off by Tsunade-sama for my slight chakra depletion. I even got 3 kunais to my back because I was thinking about Iruka and wasn't focused on the mission. She can't just ask me not to use my mangekyou sharingan or not get injured in a freaking S-rank mission now, can she? Its that or my life! Damn it! And I got an earful from her even after I was in the hospital for a whole day! I hate hospitals!!

" Helloo welcome to ichiraku!!" Teuchi-san greeted me as I was coming in.

"Kakashi-san! You are home?!" Iruka almost dropped his chopsticks.

"Hey hey! Yes im home" I said giving him a curvey-eyed smile. I sat next to him and ordered my ramen.
We talked about Naruto for a bit while eating our ramen.

"Maa.. Iruka-san let's take a walk eh? If you are not busy that is" I said scratching my head.
"Y-yes im not busy. Let's go" He said shyly, yet again reminding me how cute he is.

We were walking on this beautiful pathway leading out to the woods around the leaf. It was summer time and flowers bloom everywhere. I stopped under a sakura tree. This is the perfect spot.

~Iruka's POV~

He stopped under this beautiful sakura tree. I stopped too. I looked at its beautiful branches and flowers. Too beautiful!

Suddenly Kakashi turned around to face me. Our faces only inches from each other. I can feel his hot breath on my face.

"Iruka! I can't hide my feelings anymore. I can think only of you the whole time I was out there on the mission. I was thinking about the kiss and why I kissed you. About the sudden urge that made me kiss you. I kept seeing you in my dreams too. Iruka!! I..I think I love you!!"

"What?!" Was all I could manage to get out of my mouth. I was shocked! Utterly shocked!! I don't know what to say.

"Im sorry Iruka and I want you to know that it's completely fine that you can't return my feelings but It's the truth. I love you Iruka!! Im sorry but I can't help that I love you!!"

Hearing him say that made me loose my mind. Hearing him say that he love me again and again made me absolutely loose it.

"Kakashi!! I..I.... I think I love you too!"

I finally managed to get it out.

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