chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

I pick the black scrunched up, seeing blonde hair on it. I look closer. "He has a girlfriend," I hold it up, he takes it from me and takes the hair off the scrunchie.

"Maybe," he shrugs, I look on the floor. "Some girl could have just left this here though,"

"Then how do you explain this?" I hold up a pink lace bra by the hooks, Zayn looks at it then at then me. "This also looks familiar,"

"How does a bra look familiar?"

"That's a good question," I shake my head slowly, looking at it. He walks over to his draw and pick up his lube bottle.

"Why Harry has lube...will be a mystery to me," he says. "And he has condoms? He said he didn't have any,"

"Well, he does," I shrug. I walk over to his dresser, this being a mess too.

"Man your brothers weird," Zayn says, slamming his drawer closed as I pick up a small bottle of perfume on his dresser. I pick it up and open the lid, smelling it.

"This," I show Zayn. "This is so familiar,"

He smells it too, he looks at me. "That does for me as well," he says, looking at the bottle.

"So...the bra, perfume, scrunchie...I saw Harrys phone before he snatched it away and he had a messgae from someone called angel,"

"Is that her name? or nickname?"

"I assume it's a nickname," he shrugs slowly.

I sigh. This is all so weird. I don't know who it is, he doesn't talk to anyone at school besides his friends.

"C'mon," he pulls me out of his room, closing the door again. "He'll tell when he's ready, just like you and me," he whispers, tucking hair behind my ear. I huff, looking down at his lips.

God he's hot.

He presses his lips to mine, small inhales heard from both of us in the hall. I hear talking downstairs, and the more I focus, I can hear Harry. Then heavy steps going upstairs means he's coming this way.

Zayn just holds my hips, I cup his jaw and keep kissing him so our lips smack. Harry scoffs, which makes us pull away and he opens his door, stepping in and slamming the door shut.

"Cranky," I roll my eyes.

Harry Styles
"Hey baby," I whisper, she climbs through the window,

"Hey," she smiles, hugging me. I can smell her perfume still stuck in the air, her hair was in braids today. "How was work?"

"You know, boring," I shrug, holding her hips, still talking softly. She just smiles, looking down at my lips. I close the gap and press my lips to hers, holding her hips tighter.

We pull away and a soft hum fell from both of our lips, I rub her back. "Come here," I whisper, I sit on my bed and she straddles my lap, holding the sides of my neck. 

"I'm tired," she whispers.

"Why? Just from school?"

"Mhm, but because my mom knows about you, she just makes sure we're being safe like always and she got me non-latex condoms. Which you won't be using because I like unprotected sex better,"

I smile. "Kinda glad you said that," I snicker.

"But anyway, she's just making me do all this stuff, answer anything she wants and I'm just tired, from school,"

I hold her hips and pull myself back to the head of the bed, laying down and she lays on my chest but puts her torso next to me. I rub her back and feel her playing with my necklace again.

"You should teach me how to play guitar," she whispers, I run her back and look down at her.

"It's difficult to learn, and look," I hold my hand out, my pointer, rude and ring finger were ruined from playing it all the time. She touches them, rubbing her soft fingertip over mine. "Calluses,"

"It's such a pretty instrument though,"

"It is, which is why I wanted to learn it, Niall taught me half of it," I whisper.

"I wanna learn the song you know," she looks up at me.

"Girl crush?"

She nods.

"Why?" I chuckle.

"'s a pretty song, I dunno," she whispers again.

"I can teach you do you want," I whisper.

"Thanks," she whispers,

We lay there, my eyes closed and hers, she was slowly stopping tracing my necklace, I felt myself drifting off to sleep too, I was tired, and comfortable. I really did feel myself giving up and my eyes wouldn't open anymore.

"Is your door locked?"

"I dunno,"

"I wanna sleep," she says.

"Then go to sleep," I whisper, blindly rubbing her hair. God she's perfect, I feel so much things for her, I've known her my whole life but recently I've got to see that side of her that makes me smile so much.

She's so pretty, she has the funniest personality, and I think I love her. I know it's only been three-ish months but I lose my mind when it comes to her. I was a wreck before I dated her. Quiet literally.

I was on crack, fucking girls I don't even like to get myself off, then she just came in here and just changed my life. I love her cuddles, I think about her all the time, everyday.

I peel my eyes open, her eyes were closed, her cheek squished up a little bit and I smile. I slide my hand up to her head, rubbing and caressing the back of her head, kissing her head as well.

I start thinking of us when we were little, she was so cute. I've known her since she was like...five. Gemma and her met in the first grade, so I've known her for ages. I keep my lips on her head, smiling into her hair.

I was willing to lay here for hours on end if that means she gets to sleep without us getting caught. I could just keep thinking of her some more — more than I already do. God I so wanna write a song about her.

I think I'm actually in love with my little sisters best friend...and I want her to know about it too.


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