The tides are getting rough

Start from the beginning

The ground began to shake as more tiles began to fall into the abyss. Hero only had a few seconds to process what was happening as the ground underneath him and Kel broke and they fell into the darkness as well.

Now, there was only Omori.

He turned around to face Something as it whispered,

“ I love you...Sunny….”

Omori turned around and began walking back with Something trailing behind him. He grabbed the key that summoned a hand and used it to teleport back to Black Space. He then laid down on the black blanket, still and motionless as he silently waited. He knew the others would be back soon. They always came back after all.

“Bored Dreamer?” He heard Stranger ask him.

Omori didn’t bother acting as if he heard him.

“You know your friends care for you. I have heard them talk about you in the void. They’re worried about you.”

“Maybe this time, with their help, you can finally find the truth.”

Stranger’s presence left the area.

Omori stayed where he was and simply relaxed as he waited for the others to arrive.


Aubrey opened her eyes to find herself in the void. She was right before to guess that the images were memories mixed in with each other. Others looked distorted and destroyed as well, leaving behind traces of happy thoughts and turning them into terrifying visions.

She heard screaming from above and looked up in time to see Hero and Kel falling. They hit the ground with a loud thud and Aubrey ran to their side immediately.

“Are you guys okay?!” She looked over them with pure panic on her face.

“Ugh, I feel like my back is broken…” Kel muttered into the ground.

“Sorry, that’s me. I’ll get up.” Hero pushed himself off Kel, allowing him to get up as well.

They began looking around, looking for anything that could help them get out of there. Hero’s eyes landed on one of the weird sketches that seemed to have a hole in it.

“Guys, there might be an exit over there.” He pointed it out to the others.

“Good, I...I don’t like it here.” Kel sighed, his eyes were red to show that he cried once again.

As they walked over to the sketch Aubrey decided to ask a question, “Hey, Hero. Do you feel an intense emotion for no reason when one of those creatures appears? I know Kel feels upset and then I feel anger. What about you?”

Kel seemed to perk up at her question. He turned to his brother, waiting for his answer.

“I feel...scared? And it isn’t just like how I get scared of spiders. It’s more like a paralyzing feeling of a million fears building up at once. It’s awful.” Hero informed.

“Ah, that must suck to feel…” Aubrey gave him a sympathetic look.

“It’s annoying, that’s for sure.” Hero admitted.

They made it over to the sketch and climbed through the hole, transferring them to a dock. Everything, including the water, was black and white still as the group began navigating through the docks. Random objects were spread around, like TVs and house phones.

They eventually found a ladder that led them into the waters. They began swimming through the water though it was almost as if it was pushing them back. Aubrey could swear she could see figures in the distance, randomly appearing and disappearing as if they were never there.

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