They blinked and the next thing they knew they were back in the room where they started with a door missing. If Hero had to guess, the more doors they enter mean the more doors would begin to disappear.

"Oh, I guess they are our exits..." Kel muttered.

"We've only been here for a bit and I hate this place..." Aubrey grumbled, clearly unnerved by everything.

"That was horrifying! How do you look so calm all the time!?" Kel asked Omori who simply shrugged in response.

Hero doesn't know how Omori does it either, especially since Sunny was always very easily startled.

"I think the most important thing is that we're all okay. Are you ready for the next door?" Hero questioned the group.

"Let's just...hurry up. It's better to get this over with fast." Aubrey sighed.

Hero nodded and they made their way to the next door, opening it and entering it to be immediately greeted by a sight that hurt their eyes.

The floor was made up of bright colors this time with little neon pads on the ground flashing away. Everything looked broken and distorted as they stumbled about, sometimes getting stuck on random floating particles they didn't even notice were there in the first place. There was a giant cat that reminded Hero of the one from the beginning room but inverted with the letter E written by it eight times.


Its voice boomed, sounding like someone put it through fifty different microphones that didn't work properly. Despite that, maybe this thing can help them.

"Uh, do you know where Basil is?" He asked.


"That...isn't the answer to our question..." Aubrey muttered under her breath.

...Yeah, this thing wasn't going to help them at all. It was best to continue looking.

"Hey, guys! I found a cloud that said to follow it! Do you think it might help us!?" Kel yelled from a distance.

"Wait for us! We'll see where it leads!" Hero shouted back before running to his brother with Aubrey and Omori.

They followed the cloud together until Aubrey pointed out the red tracks on the ground that could lead them to where they needed to be. Following the trail they found Stranger standing next to the key.

"Lost in this confusion lies the root of everything. The truth that you locked must find it no matter what. You have to...for the both of us." Stranger once again faded away as Hero tried to piece together what he was saying.

It was clear his words were meant for Sunny and not the rest of them. Perhaps he can ask Sunny what Stranger is talking about in the morning, that is if he doesn't forget nor the truth is revealed by the end of this. He has a feeling though that the truth won't reveal itself that easily.

Omori picked up the key and the hands once again appeared. Instead of running this time the group allowed themselves to get caught, sending them back into the beginning room. This time, however, a sketchbook laid on the ground. Hero picked it up and held back a gasp as the first drawing was a poorly drawn head on the ground with blood coming out of it.

Kel and Aubrey looked over his shoulder and gasped as well, flipping the page to find more horrifying drawings on the blood-red paper which was staining Hero's fingers. Each drawing was horrific and brutal in its own ways, whether the page had an excessive amount of eyes or shadow figures it did a good job scaring them.

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