"I thought that's not true!"

[You'll see.] She clapped his hands.

World Tree

Cale Henituse

"Even the world tree!?" TBOH Alberu can't stopped from questioning.

"That's my question too when he told me he met the world tree." TCF Alberu just shrugged.

'Just what is this person?' TBOH Choi Han asked.



The World Tree is a sentient tree that reincarnates every single time it dies. It is the creator of the poisonous snowstorm that surrounds the Lake of Despair in the Valley of Despair.


Lake of despair? Isn't that the place where lot of people have died?" TBOH Lock asked.

"It is." An elf answered.

TBOH Lock shivered.

The World Tree is directly connected to the world and the nature which Gashan.

Everyone look at the two Gashan who is from the tiger tribe.


The World Tree has existed for a very long time, even before the Darkness invaded the Western Continent. When the original owner of the Fire of Destruction unfroze the entire Northern Continent he almost burned down the World Tree, so the World Tree has a large fear of the Ancient Power.

"Is that idiocy?"

- Hey I'm not idiot!

TCF Cale flinched when the fire of destruction suddenly shouted in his mind.

- You are.

The super rock disagreed.


The World tree is capable to speak the things that the World allows it.

"That's sounds like a curse." TCF Hannah commented.

The elves glared at her.

"What? Just imagine you want to help someone but you can't speak anything that can helped them."

"It the way the world make everything balanced." An elf said.

Everyone just nodded.

Able to see some of the past, present and future.

"That's cool!" TCF Bud who looks drunk shouted but TCF Cale knows he is not.

"That's also a cursed." TCF Fredo who have been silent vioced out while drinking in a glass with red liquid.

The World tree is incapable of seeing the past, present and future of Cale and other Ancient Power holders.

"He can't see Cale-nim's future?" TCF Choi Han.

"I wonder why is it." TCF Rosalyn asked.


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