8; acquainted

Começar do início

Usually he wasn't needed that much in the morning so after he clocked in he stepped out to the back, opening the large metal door before leaning back against the brick building as he pulls out his cigarette and lighter.

Now that he was thinking to himself, he realized that he hadn't eaten and that was bit of a problem since his stomach always tended to cause him problems when he smoked on an empty stomach for some reason. But he didn't exactly feel like going back inside to get a little snack, so risking the pain he goes to light the stick before inhaling the toxic smoke.

Every puff helped his anger melt away, for some type of reason the toxins helped no matter how bad it was for him. So he stood there letting the smoke blow through the wind as he stared at the alley behind his work. Jeongguk takes in the view while trying his hardest to not let the cold get to him, he didn't want to go in yet.

Jeongguk let's time pass as it was about time to throw the trash out but right as he was about to put out his cigarette he heard a loud huff come from the door. He slightly turns his head in that direction to get a clear view of a familiar curly headed girl struggling with a big bag of trash on her back- doing his job practically.

He furrows his eyebrows, wondering when she had gotten here. Was she earlier than him?

Throwing the butt of the cigarette he quickly puts it out with the tip of his shoe before shuffling towards the girl who took slow steps.

Damn what was in there?

Jeongguk steps up to her, body kind of hovering over her side profile. He gently unhooks the string of the bag from her fingers, skin contact was made briefly but it seemed as though time slowed down a bit to him. He liked her touch, he liked being close.

Swiftly he grabs the bag out of her hand, feeling her stare as he does. He couldn't help but to think she was nervous with the way she was looking at him. She was basically closing in on herself physically and it seemed like she didn't even notice.

"I got it." Jeongguk says with a sweet tone that even he doesn't recognize. He would never try this hard, but for some reason he didn't see it in him to be rude to her.

Oh who was he kidding? He knew exactly why but he just didn't want to admit it to himself.

With her in view he couldn't help but to be satisfied with what he saw. She was shorter than him, his own body would practically engulf her if he took ahold of her and something within him kind of liked that. The thought of nobody being able to get to her because they couldn't get through him excited him, he pays close attention to the fact.

Like her other outfits he had seen her in; she wore jeans and a dark green long sleeve shirt. Except there was one thing that he had noticed that was off about it. Instead of her usual, he eyes the way her jeans were lower cut, showing about an inch of her skin since her shirt was moved up a little bit from the struggle of carrying that heavy bag.

Jeongguk smacks each hand off of each other as a way to get the dirt off his hands, not taking his eyes off of her. He watched the way she quickly pulled her shirt down so her skin wasn't showing but that only pulled it down showing more of her cleavage; Jeongguk lifts a brow.

"You didn't have to do that." He tells her.

He didn't mean for it to come out so harsh though which caused her to take a step back slowly. As if she was trying to inch herself away.

Boy in the backOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora