1: Basement Boardgames.

Start from the beginning

"That's just dumb! What kind of Cleric are you if you just play it safe all the time?" I asked.

Lucas turned to Will. "What Y/n said! Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!"

At this point, Lucas and Dustin were just yelling over each other.

"Cast protection."

"The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you!" Mike interjected.



"Another stomp. BOOM!"

"Cast. Protection."

"He roars in anger!"

Everyone was yelling over each other and it was utter chaos.

"Okay that's enough, can you two shut up for two seconds and let the boy roll?!" I yelled over them all.

By some miracle, they managed to shut up for a split second and Will had enough time to yell, "FIREBALL!"

He chucked the dice out in front of him, which resulted in them flying off the table and rolling onto the floor.

"Oh shit!" I groaned in frustration.

We all got to our feet, scrambling to find the lost dice.

"Where'd it go?" Lucas asked. "Where is it?"

"I don't know!" Will said in a defensive tone.

"Is it a 13?" Dustin asked stupidly.

"How are we supposed to know if we haven't found the dice yet, Dustin?" I retorted.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Dustin paced back and forth, not helping whatsoever.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and continued the search on my hands and knees.

Suddenly, the basement door at the top of the stairs creaked open. "Mike! Y/n!"

It was our mom.

"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike exclaimed.

"You mean the end? Fifteen after." She tapped her imaginary watch before closing the door behind her.

Mike looked to me and I nodded, signalling it was his turn to persuade her.

Mike sighed, exasperated, before disappearing up the stairs.

"Oh my god, freaking idiot!" Lucas accused Will.

"Lucas, come on, let's just focus on- oh! Found 'em!" I pointed down at the D-20 dice for the two of them to see. They both came running over, nearly knocking me back down in the process.

"Shit. It's a seven." I sighed.

"Does a seven count?" Will asked hopefully.

"Did Mike see it?" Lucas asked.

Will shook his head.

"Then it doesn't count." I smiled, high-fiving Lucas.

I grabbed some candy wrappers from the table and began to clean up the basement a bit, handing Lucas his backpack from the ground.

"Shall we head up?" I asked the three of them.

"You guys go." Dustin said, picking up the box with the last slice of pizza. "Im gonna go give this to Nancy."

"Okay, Romeo. Have fun." I laughed at him as he made his way up the stairs.

Will, Lucas and I stood outside my garage in the cold night air, waiting for the other two morons to join us.

Mike came out, clearly unsuccessful at his persuasion techniques.

We must have waited eons for Dustin until he finally came back out, shoving the pizza down his throat.

"There's something wrong with your sister." He grumbled at Mike and I.

"More wrong than usual?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" Mike narrowed his eyes.

"She's got a stick up her butt." Dustin said.

"Oh yeah, don't worry, that's always been there." I joked.

"Yeah." Lucas agreed. "It's because she's dating that douchebag Steve Harrington."

"She's turning into a real jerk." Dustin nodded.

"She's always been a real jerk!" Mike interrupted.

"Uh, no, Michael." I objected. "She used to be cool."

"Yeah, like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign." Dustin reminisced.

"Four years ago!" Mike said.

"Night guys." I smiled, rolling my eyes at my brother.

"Night Y/n/n." Dustin giggled, rolling his eyes at Mike.

"Goodnight m'lady." Lucas smirked.

With a few smiles, Dustin and Lucas were off, waving goodbye and biking off into the night.

"It was a seven." Will told Mike, his bike stood next to him.

"Damn it Will." I muttered.

"What?" Mike was confused.

"The roll. It was a seven." Will explained. "The demogorgon. It got me."

Mike nodded.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Will said, pedalling off to catch up with Dustin and Lucas.

The outside light slightly flickered, and Mike and I simultaneously looked up at it.

Shrugging it off, we walked back into the comfort of our home.

Word count: 1188

This book is dedicated to my lovely supporters
tulamoo1234 Steven_Universe69 ZainYbo0WhyYyY xxRightAsRainxx  Disneygirl_1235 who said if I made a Lucas fanfic they would read it and boosted my confidence!! Ily all<3

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