1: Basement Boardgames.

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Y/n's pov

The basement was quiet. The faint sound of sprinklers going off in our yard could be heard as the five of us waited for Mike to continue with the campaign.

We were all at the edge of our seats and the air was tense.

Pretty dramatic for a game of D&D, right?


"Somethings coming. Something hungry for blood." Mike said, his voice barely above a whisper. "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness."

I was sat in between Lucas and my brother, subconsciously leaning forwards in my seat.

"It is almost here." Mike said.

"What is it?" Will asked suddenly, unable to handle the suspense.

"What if it's the demogorgon?" Dustin panicked. "Oh, we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon."

"It's not the demogorgon." Lucas spoke up this time, sounding extremely sure of himself.

Will looked to me and I just shrugged.

I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes at the board.

We all jumped a little when Mike slammed down a bunch of game pieces on the board.


"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" He shouted.

"Thank god." I sighed in relief. "We would've been in deep shit."

"I told you, didn't I?" Lucas asked me with a smile.

Lucas gave a very smug look to Dustin, propping his elbow on the back of his chair.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin asked in disbelief.

"Told ya." Lucas smirked.

The four of us shared relieved laughs and smiles but our relief was short-lived.

"Wait a minute. Did you hear that?" Mike asked, looking suspiciously behind his board and making all our smiles melt away.

"That... That sound." He spoke softly.

"Boom... Boom..." His voice got louder with each 'boom'. We stared at Mike expectantly, hanging onto his every word as if it was our life support.

"BOOM!" Mike bellowed as he slammed his fists down on the table, making us and the board jump. I grasped onto Lucas's shoulder tightly.

"That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... that came from something else." Mike continued.

I sheepishly retracted my hand from its grip on Lucas's shoulder, mouthing a 'sorry'. He smiled back at me as if to say I was all good.

Suddenly, Mike slammed down a new figure on the game board. "The demogorgon!" He exclaimed.

I threw my hands up in the air. "Oh great." I groaned.

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin sighed.

"You've never been more right." I said.

"Will, your action!" Mike said.

"I don't know!" Will said frantically.

"Fireball him!" Lucas shouted out of nowhere.

"But I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" Will reminded.

"So?? Fireball the son of a bitch!" I exclaimed.

"Too risky." Dustin cut in. "Cast a protection spell."

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