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Endeavor: maybe for you

Shoto: can you guys believe this is a lot better than when I was a kid

Day two was black whip

Izuku was swinging around with a black whip and caught a guy stealing a purse

Endeavor: good Now keep going!

Izuku: uhh!

Day three was float

Izuku was jumping around and saved an old lady from getting hit by a truck

Endeavor: not fast enough!

Day four was smokescreen

Izuku was having trouble keeping up but was able to assist in trapping a villain

Day five was danger sense

Luckily izuku grew up on the streets because there was no way he could have been able to keep up

On day six Endeavor surprised everyone when he invited them to dinner at his house

When they got there izuku and katsuki felt a weird sensation of familiarity

When they got inside Endeavor yelled

Enji: Fuyumi! Our guests are here!

She ran up and was about to bow when she recognized them

Fuyumi: Izu? Kacchan?

Izuku/Katsuki: eh?

She hugged them both and started laughing

Fuyumi: I can't believe you're still Shoto's best friends!

Shoto: right our moms knew each other, remember the photo

Fuyumi looked at izuku with a sad look

Fuyumi: Izuku... how have you been?

Izuku: I'm fine-

Katsuki: he's more than fine, he's loaded, got two adopted kids, and seven women on his arm

Fuyumi: Woah

As they sat down to dinner Izuku and Katsuki felt weird, the tension between Enji and Natsuo was super weird

Natsuo: I can't do this

Fuyumi: but Natsuo you promised

Natsuo: I just can't all right!

Izuku: hey it's okay, just try to stay calm

Natsuo: you don't get it, so butt out

Izuku: hey Shoto told me a bit of what he was like and... I don't know maybe you should give him a chance, sure he's an asshole but, he's trying

Natsuo: yeah like I'm going to take advice from a kid

Katsuki: hey! Don't judge a book by its cover, Izuku has been through more than anyone here

Shoto: can we please just eat dinner

Fuyumi: shotos right let's all calm down-

Natsuo: you don't get it, he says he's changed but I can tell he hasn't

Izuku: really? I thought you spent all your time ignoring and having him

Natsuo: why do you care so much?

Izuku: I just... maybe learn to value what you have-

Natsuo: that's why you don't understand! Your parents are dead! God, you don't get how lucky you are-


Izuku: shut up, stop being such a little bitch, so what he neglected you, you had a home, siblings! If you have such a problem with it then leave! Move out! Oh, wait you can't because as much as you hate to admit it you rely on him for everything! And how can you say he hasn't changed when you don't even give him a chance!

Natsuo: heh see you are just a kid

Izuku: have you ever seen someone die?

Natsuo: huh?

Izuku: that's what I thought, now imagine watching the two people you love most die in front of you at the age of five, living with that memory and loneliness for years, only to have them turned into monster lab experiments... having to kill them yourself

Natsuo: izuku... I'm sorry-

Izuku: no I didn't say that for your sympathy, I said that so you could understand why giving people another chance is so important, and why you should value the things in your life

Then Natsuo left and soon so did the rest

Fuyumi: I'm sorry about dinner-

Izuku: don't be, the food was amazing! I would love to do this again sometime

Katsuki: hey... you think I could get the recipe for the mapo tofu?

Fuyumi: sure thing kacchan!

As they were in the car Endeavor kinda got personal

Endeavor: I truly am sorry for that-

Izuku: stop apologizing to me, apologize to them, they're the ones you hurt...

Before another word was said danger sense went off

Izuku: lookout!

The car stopped and a villain had Natsuo

As everyone got out of the car everyone knew what they had to do when  Endeavor froze

Bakugou got Natsuo from the villain while Shoto stopped the guy, the villain had also sent some cars in the surrounding area into the air so Izuku used black whip to catch them

Once the commotion was over izuku saw a little kid run into the street to check on his dad who was still in the car

Izuku saw a car was speeding forward, so he moved. Except before he could power up One For All he felt something weird in his right leg and bolted off

He saved the kid at remarkable speed but didn't break or bruise anything

Izuku: what the hell was that?

Third user: I see you finally unlocked my quirk

Izuku: why are you talking to me while I'm awake?

Third: that's for another time

A/N: and I'm going to leave that there! The next chapter will be the Third my hero academia movie so spoilers if you haven't seen it yet, and if you haven't I recommend watching it on

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Emotionless Deku Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora