Chapter 1

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Harry hates it when his coworker doesn't show up to work last minute. It always put stress on the people who did show up to work. Now Harry is covering two people's shifts and what makes it worse is that he has a big table to work at the end of his shift. They blocked off Harry's entire section, so it's only him working his corner and the corner of the server that didn't show up. He still has three hours left of his shift, and he has been there 10 hours already.

He needs the money, he has a five-year-old daughter to support, and he is a single dad. Although he hates working so much, taking any little job that he can scrape together enough money to avoid living for her, he loves his daughter and would do anything for her.

Harry has just finished clearing off a table his coworkers in the corner when his manager pulls him over.

"Your party has arrived. I need you to get yourself clean. These people have a lot of money, and you want to look as sharp as you can," his manager said and eyed Harry from head to toe before sighing. "I am giving you 2 minutes not to look so dead." Harry nodded and walked to the bathroom. 

He is now used to being treated lesser than everyone else and more used to his manager talking to him like that. He has become numb to it, and it doesn't phase him much anymore, which is good and bad. Harry washes his face and tries to comb through his hair, but that doesn't do much. His appearance barely changes, but he sighs since this is about as good as it gets these days.

He straightens out his clothing before walking over to his corner. There Harry sees his entire corner complete with rich-looking people, and some people already have a look of disgust, and Harry thinks that tonight will be a long day. He walks up to the first table and realizes that everyone is in suits and fancy dresses, and Harry wonders what type of party this is. He introduces himself and politely asks what they will like, and like usual, he gets a cold short answer. Harry keeps the smile on his face and carries on. He goes to the other eight tables with the same replies, but he had some people give him an apologetic smile for how their friends were treating him. Like those people who weren't so high on their horses, Harry forgets that there's still a world beneath them. Working at this high-end restaurant makes him hate rich and stuck-up people. He knows not all rich people act the same, but about 90% of them do, or at least 90% of people who walk through the restaurant doors.

"Hello, I'm Harry, and I'll be your server today. Are you ready to order?" Harry asked and tried to subtly stretch his hand since it was cramping from writing so much in such a short period. Harry scans the faces, and only four people are sitting at this table which is pretty tiny compared to the other tables. The four lads seem familiar to Harry, but he doesn't know where they are from.

"Hello Harry, sorry about them," the blonde, clearly Irish lad says.

"Thanks, but you don't have to worry about it," Harry said politely.

"Well, it still sucks," a brunette with brown eyes says.

"But I will have appetizer number 6, meal number 10, 15, 21, a beer and do we order dessert now or afterwards," the blonde asks, looking back up at Harry.

"Afterwards, is that for everyone?" Harry asked and looked around, and they shook their head.

"Nope, just me," the blonde says, and something changes his tone. It almost sounded like he was insecure but ready to get worked up.

"Okay, and what will you guys have?" Harry said, not even batting an eyelash about how much he just ordered. Harry doesn't care how much one eats because it's not his body for him to judge.

"Just a 3 and 12," the brunette says.

"I'll have a three and a 28," the blue-eyed feathery-haired lad says. Harry is pulled into his good looks but quickly shakes it off and writes his order before turning to the last person.

New Life (Trial) - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now