ᔕI᙭TY-ᔕᗴᐯᗴᑎ | 67

Start from the beginning

"Body was clean. To fucking clean according to the reports. Emmanuel is smart and bet you he killed his daughter because she figured out something. Did she know that he was planning any of this?"

"No, he didn't want Luchi involved in any of this... but the picture sent to Xerxes phone was from her device. The bad thing is it's a VPN on the Ip address. It says it was sent from Switzerland. Emmanuel has no properties there." Chance said sighing.

"Muthafucka I thought I was the tracker and the computer tech?" Vic said making Luca and Erik laugh. Victor didn't like for someone else to come it doing the same job as him or his children.

"Sorry but not sorry. Do you want to search for any properties in Switzerland maybe you can find something I didn't?"

"I think Nova's pussy got Vic acting just as crazy as her ass. Hell, maybe we need to hit it." Erik laughed as Victor's green eyes found his grey ones with a frown.

"Naw, but I think he's about to murder your ass. Nova crazy is only for Vic. I don't think anyone else can handle that." Chance laughed. "But Vic, Luca ask me to look into the shit and I did. I'm sorry if I overstepped."

"No, you are my Don. I'm not used to people doing the same thing as me. Plus, I didn't know you were into computers. I thought you were a lawyer or some shit." Victor said as Chance nodded turning back to his brother.

"I am, but I like to multitask. Something Emmanuel didn't know about me. However, he was smart enough to keep me out of his systems, but I think with your help and the rest of the tech team we can crack it." He said handing Victor his tablet as the man slowly took it.

"Dad, don't you think Harper looks like me

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"Dad, don't you think Harper looks like me. The only thing is her eye are different and she is darker. How when her mom is white?" Xylia asked playing in Harper's hair as Eva, and Raleigh painted the girl's fingers and toes. The boys sat back and watched while Avery and Josiah sat on his lap.

"Are you going to leave mama?" Avery asked making Xerxes look down at his daughter confused. What would make her ask a question like that?

"No baby. I'm not going to leave your mama. Harper is just your sister that is all...."

"So, you don't love her mama...."

"You idiots! Dad cheated on mama that is how Harper got here. I mean you cannot be that dumb!" Xylia yelled making Xerxes sigh rubbing his hands down his face. What on earth did Riley tell them?"

"I did not cheat on your mom! Xylia, what do you know anyhow? Look just spend time with your little sister. She needs to know all of you... AND DON'T BE EVIL TO HER! I know all of you little demons!" He said leaving Harper with them as he walked away with his youngest son. His thoughts were on finding Riley, but he found Kaarina instead.


"FUCK OFF KAARINA!" He yelled as she stood there. Josiah must have sensed his tension because the boy wiggled out of his father's hold and ran back to the room where his siblings were. Xerxes did have the time or the energy to speak with the woman as he found Riley sitting in the room with Nicole and the others.


"Okayyyy now I know he is mad. I never heard X raise his voice at Riley like that." Macey said looking worried at the rest. Nicole and Kamaria shared a look as Lola sat back rocking the baby. Nobody moved as they watch Riley slowly leave.

"You didn't have to come in there yelling at me like you were fucking crazy Adriel...."

"AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL MY FUCKING DAUGHTER I CHEATED ON YOU!" Xerxes said running his hands through his hair trying to calm himself down. Riley knew better and this shit was getting out of control.

"What was I supposed to tell her Adriel?! Hmm, tell me that!" She yelled poking him in the chest with every word. Before Xerxes knew it had her by the throat and against the wall.

"Are you fucking serious Riley?! Are you trying to ruin us?! Is that what you want because if it is I will walk away. Please Babygirl tell me it isn't. Do you know how much I love you... DO YOU...."

"Adriel you are hurting me!" She said pulling at his hand. Instead, his grip tightened making it harder for Riley to breathe as she scratched at his hand.

"Know I would die without you, and I will take you with me. So, tell me that is not what you want...."

"No... no... Xer..." She started one of his eyes to turn brown while the other stayed between blue and grey. "A-Adriel please...."

"XERXES WHAT THE FUCK BRO!" AJ yelled touching his shoulder which cause him to loosen his hold on Riley to turn to him.

"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" He yelled storming away. "Ri what the fuck just happened?" AJ asked.

"I fucked up. I really fucked up." She choked out.

Well, there you go

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Well, there you go. Lucas and alive and well so we can all sleep better now. The new Dons are on to something and let's hope it ends well. Then there is Riley being Riley, but has she fucked up her relationship with X for good?


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