Believe me Dammit!

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As always, this is about the characters, not the content creators. If you ship any characters in this fiction together, dni.
Please let me know if I've overstepped any boundaries.
TW mild child abuse, it's not very detailed
This is technically half way done lol. It's just been sitting their staring at me for too long, so I just didn't expand on most ideas. It's also self edited as I have no beta readers.

It all started on a brisk spring morning. The leaves were growing back green and Tommy was working in the garden like he always does. It's his job after all. Especially now that things were blooming again.

He was bent over the grass, slaving away trying to get it all to be the same height. It was a tedious and annoying task. It was only made worse by the male that always tormented him.

"Move out of the way, servant boy!" An aggressive voice shouted at him before an armored shoe booted him on his side.

Tommy didn't cry out in pain, it'd only result in a more severe punishment. He couldn't ever make noise in any guard's presence. It was something Tommy learned within the first few days of working here.

He learned this especially with the head guard. The head guard, who Tommy never bothered to remember the name of, was everything one shouldn't be. He's a weak, cowardly fellow who runs at the slightest risk of danger. He only managed to land the job because of his connections to the king and many lords of the area.

And surprise surprise, it was the head guardsman who had unpleasantly kicked Tommy in the ribs.

"You should know to step away by now." The head guard smirked at Tommy as he passed. Tommy stood, but kept his head down, glaring at the uneven grass.

He also kept his lips sealed. No matter how much he wanted to verbally rip into the prick, he couldn't.

"Is it usual practice around here to kick servants?" An unfamiliar deep voice rumbled. It was monotone and Tommy couldn't ever remember hearing an accent like that before. Maybe similar ones from people who come from far, far down south, but it certainly wasn't common.

He had to wonder who this was. Obviously someone new if they didn't know how shitily the servants were treated.

"Yeah, gotta give a good slap sometimes too." The head guard chuckled. He sounded further away, so Tommy felt it was safe enough to raise his head.

The head guard, as Tommy suspected, was being trailed by someone he had never seen before. They were a hulking figure in a full set of guard's armor, but they had bubblegum pink hair? That's also not common at all.

As if the figure could feel the eyes on the back of their head, they tilted their head back to glance at Tommy. The only thing that stood out on the moderately normal face was the scar that ran horizontally across the bridge of their nose. There was no way to tell for certain, but it looked to be inflicted by a sword.

Tommy wondered where they must have come from. Everything about them screamed that they weren't native to the area.


It was a few days later and Tommy had almost completely forgotten about the strange person. He'd probably never completely forget them, but he currently had more pressing matters.

The gardener servants were informed that the king was planning an extravagant ball. A ball that would be remembered for centuries. At least according to the king.

He said there'd be hundreds of people traveling from all over the different countries to attend the party. It'd be their job as servants to have the lawns looking as flawless as the late queen for when the party arrived.

Believe Me Dammit!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang