Chapter 5: Green Kite

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Atsushi and Dazai managed to stop the driver and free the girl from the rope. She wasn't moving. Heart still nearing. she was unconscious. Brought her back to Doctor Yosano. She had a confusion and passed out cold.

Minor scratches and bruising. Nothing life threating or concern.

It was a relief. She was secret scared of being operated on.

Mysterious green kites had appeared in the sky, strings swinging on an invisable winds and haven't beem able to identity where it is coming from or who. But once she woke up, it disappeared into thin air.

It was strange.

Meanwhile, the blonde and brown haired girl had long since woke up and discovered the truth she was in Bungou Stray Dogs universe. Having an internal freak out and internal fangirls at the same time.

Wonder which world in in. The manga? Or the anime?

Kite in the sky. It was the ability the mysterious for had bestowed on her, to fit into her new life in Bungo Stray Dogs universe. Join the Detective Arms Agency.

It wasn't long until Dr. Yosano came in to see I was awake and let the others know. I'm surprised to see Dazai, Atsushi, and members.

Relieved she was awake. It didn't take a genius that the green kites in the sky were connected to her somehow and curious how she managed to use ability.

They wanted her to join the agency.

"Wait, don't I have to go through some exam?"

"Usually. But there's always an exemption." Dazai smirked.

She did do the exam, but not in the way Atsushi did. Hers was quite different.

"Huh?" You were stunned. Questioms filled your head. How could that be? When did it happen?

Fukiazawa appeared with hands together under his yukuta, she barely even heard him join conversation. He explained the situation.

Elderly lady she'd saved from the speeding vehicle? That was a test, and she'd passed but forgotten to tell her the good news. Hired as an assistant at the tea shop in town. Due to come in introduction to new colleagues work part time at the agency. Sticking to small cases.

"Oh, that reminds me."

Had her jacket folded on the seat beside her ruffled through the pockets, and withdrew a white envelope.

"For you, Kunikda." Accepted the envelope from the girl, tugged side open to reveal yen bills.

"You paid for a meal and promised to pay you back. know it isn't much. I'll pay you the other half with the next payday. "

The girl is serious.

Put a hand on her head and patted it gently, barely tousling blond strands of hair. It made her feel strange, not used to affection from others.

"Don't be rushed. Take as much time as you need." He was like an older father figure to her.

It would've been a heart warning moment until.

"I know you'll pay back unlike a certain tiger." Atsushi felt invisable daggers stab his side. He leant sideways as if fade away into ashes on a wind.

He'll work hard for his keep and repay Kunikda.

Afterwards, Dr. Yosano checked up, and not of approval, she was already healing from graze and brusimg form being dragged earlier. It felt like longer. She was released from Dr. Yosano care. Advised to take plenty of rest. Also, if she ever got hurt again, go to her. Secretly, she prayed you don't have to go there again.

Before she left the room. The nice blinde male said the president would like to have a private word with her. Little nervous. Pat her on the back, assured okay not to be nervous.

Met the president of the agency and truth from Ranpo. She wasn't from the world by wished to keep the truth of past secret until felt ready. Respect wishes. Trust she'll tell them in her own time.

Forged a contract between him and herself. Little of his power to her, but learn how to control her new ability and someday use without safety reins through hard work.

The president admired her ambition and supported her. If she ever needs anything, please sign hesitate to come to him.

Introduced her to the rest of the staff at the agency, and they welcomed her with opened arms. Certain brown haired detective intrigued by this young woman.

END of Chapter 5: Green Kite.

A/N: something I should've added sooner. by the way, the reader doesn't only have the ability to summon and use kites with wind, but can also change them into an umbrella or a glider, too. Unless you guys want me to add those special suits that are similar to flying squirrels.

HELP I'M IN BUNGO STRAY DOGS!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin