Chapter 2: Herbal (editing)

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A/N: Welcome readers for making it to chapter two of Help, I'm Stuck In Bungo Stray. Little inspiration from a fanfiction I came across.  I deeply apologise that the last chapter did not go as well as I'd hoped. I'm considering changing some parts. :(

Chapter 2: Herbal Remedy

It had been a night since (y/n) met her new friend as well as mysterious Dazai, and Kunikda from The Detective Arms Agency, as well as learnt about her new friend possessed ability of his own called Tiger Beneath The Moonlight. Have to admit it suited him very well. Although, he had fainted from seeing giant black and white paw. Blonde boy with overalls had carried away unconscious friend way, leaving her with Dazai and other three members.

She had been treated by one of employees known as Yosano and one way describe the experience as horrifying.

The young lady had sprained her ankle from tripping over a crate onto ashfelt, Dazai saved her, and upon examination of bandages. They had discovered long, deep cuts on her wrists. Deep enough to bleed to death.

She had no memory of what caused the cuts. I was suffering from some sort of amnesia and had no idea how long it would last.

She did faintly recall an image of blood seeping onto white tiles.

When she mentioned this. It caused Yosano and others to worry and wonder if it was possible to relate to a suicide attempt. It was a miracle she was alive.

Why she would try to take her own life, she did not know. Nor whom had bandaged the cuts. But couldn't let the past stop her from living her life. and find meaning in this strange place.

Yosano had given instructions to keep the wounds clean as much as possible. Since MC had nowhere else to go, she had temporarily placed to share an apartment with Yosano until other arrangements could be made.

In a school bag, she discovered a scroll containing a high school graduation certificate and an envelope without a return address. Only a name on the front in cursive.

Was it possible it was her real name?

First things first, she had to repay Kunikda for the meal at the tea house. And for that, she needed to find a stable job and fast. But before she needed to visit one of the ones of one of the agency employees.

One employee with a female relative had spare clothes lend her, a light green summer dress with spaghetti straps, stopped above her ankles, and sandals. although she preferred to wear her ankle boots with them instead.  Luckily, they were the same size, making it easier than worrying about whether they needed adjustments. she protested she couldn't wear it.

The girl assured your name it was  no worry. It looks lovely on her. promise As she didn't have money. They said they would take her on a girls' shopping trip soon for a new change of clothes.

I am grateful for their kindness. Simply waved her off. "It was nothing." Gave her a mobile device. Old model flip phone. it would be hers to use, and had the numbers of agency, with some of members on it. and an apartment key.

Few minutes later, she left apartment room to get fresh air, drawn to the edge of balcony by a loud bang, hurried to the edge to see a metal trashcan, and a familiar pair of trousers sticking up, with brown leather shoes. The scene looked familiar.

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