Chapter 2: Katara

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"So, how'd you like dinner, Toph?" I asked, taking some of the dishes to the kitchen.

"It was pretty good. Alright, I'm calling it a night! See you in the morning, everyone," Toph said, heading off to her room.

"Hey, has anyone seen Zuko?" asked Sokka.

I looked around the room, but he was no where to be found.

"No idea...Why do you ask?" I said.

"Well, I had a few questions about the fire nation during the war, and I was hoping he could answer them for me."

"Yeah, and we were going to talk more about the Harmony Restoration Movement with the Earth King," said Aang.

"Oh...Well I'm sure he'll turn up!" I encouraged them, as they left the room in search of him. 

After cleaning up some of the dishes, I went back to my room to rest, when I saw a neat scroll on my pillow. I picked it up, and read it:

Katara, I've left to visit some other cities in the Earth Kingdom that need restoring. I'm sorry that I had to say goodbye this way, but I was afraid of confronting you about a very important matter...It's just that I think I'm in love with you.

I dropped the scroll in shock and screamed. 

"KATARA! WHAT HAPPENED?" shouted Sokka from down the hall, as he and Aang were running down the hallway to my room. I didn't want them to know about this yet, so I quickly hid the scroll behind me. 

Sokka and Aang rushed in, and asked what was wrong.

"I just tripped over the rug," I lied.

"WELL, I guess I should get back to my room. Night you two love birds," said Sokka, as he left the room.

"So, Katara, any sign of Zuko?" asked Aang.

" Not here. Definitely not here," I said, sweating as I spoke. 

"Okay! Let me know if you hear anything from him. I guess we should all get to bed. Goodnight Katara!" exclaimed Aang, hugging me. 

After Aang left the room, I looked back at the scroll. 

I'll be at Ba Sing Se if maybe....You feel the same way? ~Zuko

I was shocked. So Zuko liked me? I couldn't believe it. I put him through so much trouble before the end of the war, and even after, I've been with Aang. 

I wondered if I really did feel the same way. Aang was great, really great in fact. He protected me and treated me in a way that made me feel special. 

But Zuko was great too. He was handsome, and after he turned good, he's done so much for me, including saving my life. I remembered when Azula aimed her lightning at me, but Zuko dodged it, just for me. He was truly a gentleman, and a truly great one, too.

I knew that I had feelings for Zuko that may have been stored inside until now, but I realized that it was time to open up to the possibility that Zuko may be the guy for me.

I packed a few things, left a note with Sokka for the gang, and snuck outside to Appa.

"Shh, Appa. We need to get to Ba Sing Se. I need to see Zuko," I whispered.

Appa grunted, and I got on. "Yip, yip."

And we flew off to Ba Sing Se to find Zuko. 

Opposites Attract: A Zutara Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن