The footprints in the wall.

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I ended up joining Doc and Zack since I had nothing else to do and it was a good distraction. I was leaning against the wall next to Zack while he held a cable that was connected to a wire inside the wall, and Doc was watching the images on the screen.
"I feel like my head exploded." I told.
"Does climbing a tree while high count?" Zack asked.
"Did I do that?"
"You said 'I am the Tree whisperer and the trees say screw you bitches.'.... It was quiet amusing."
"I feel slightly humiliated." I admitted making him smile towards me. "Just goes to show. No drugs are good for you."
"What about the drugs doctors tell you to take?" Zack asked
"I'm meant to go to actual doctors?" I asked making them both look towards me with a confused worried look. "Guys I kid. I do take them. Which reminds me I haven't taken my folic acid in like a month."
"How do you forget? You need to remember to take that. It's to help you." Zack told
"I know."
"Why do you take folic acid?" Doc asked.
"It helps her for when she gets sick so it's not as bad as it could be."
"Yeah, we talk over emails every now and then, hence why he knows. But yeah, I got like a photographic memory but I always forget to take it once a week."
"Was it fun coming to the club?" Zack asked changing the topic.
"Yeah I took out two big buff guys. It was impressive."
"Yeah, before the drugs and the dead body. Tilt-tilt down." She told making him do so.
"Seems so primitive. Being in a crowd of strangers, gyrating to music." He told making me chuckle.
"You've never danced?" She asked
"I've been told I look like a marionette in a windstorm."
"That sounds so adorable. Can I see it?" I asked and I saw he was trying to fight back a smile.
"You would've fit right in last night." She told
"Really, bone boy. All the girls would have fawned over you. I'd have been one of them and then I'd scare all the others off." I explained making his face become crimson.
" the dirt, and the termite shavings. Someone was on the other side of him." Temperance told as she showed the screen to us.
"Light. This leads to the outside." Zack told
"We need to get inside that wall." She told the rest of the team that was working around.
"Or take it down." One of the dudes told.
"That would most likely destroy evidence, you do know that right?" I questioned.
"One last look?" Temperance asked.
"Take 'em in, show 'em around." Furst told.
'This'll be fun.'

One of the FBI Forensic guys were leading us down the space behind the wall.
"Watch where you step cutie." I told to Zack as I held onto the back of his suit since I wanted to make sure I didn't lose them.
"Can we conform to as much forensic protocol as possible?" The forensic dude told
"We're better at this than you think." Zack told and I could tell he was slightly annoyed.
"Mad props Zack." I told and I knew I made him smile.
'He is great. I'm glad I'm getting to see him again.'
"You know, this reminds me of that one case where these people ran like a morgue in their house and put the bodies in the fucken wall." I told before a noise happened from a rat. "Yo that was fucken sick. Perfect timing."
"You know what those are?" The forensic dude asked
"Rats." Temperance told
"You trying to scare us with rats? We've been to places where the rats eat the laces right out of our boots."
"I've also been shot before and stabbed..... what I'm trying to say is nothing scares a bitch born on the supposed scariest night and who has so much fucken trauma." I told before I began to laugh. "I'm like a walking human covered in duct tape and shit."
"Take it easy there, Willard." He told to Zack making me get annoyed.
'He is lucky I can't kill him in the walls.'
We crouched down with me and Zack shining our lights on the ground to see a footprint.
"There are the footprints." Zack told
"Also marks on the wall, it's scraped." I added making Zack nod and I took his hand into mine.
"So are you two a couple?" The forensic dude asked
"No." We both told at the same time.
"She's a widow."
"Yep. So I'm single." I added.
'I forgot I said that while I was high.'
"Blood smear, dried. I see something, can I retrieve?" She asked as she trails her light against the wall where there was blood.
"Yes." He told as he hands her a bag.
While Temperance picked up the charm and made sure it was safe in the bag I whispered into Zacks ear so the forensic dude didn't hear.
"This dude is fucken annoying, I wanna fight him." I told making Zack chuckle.
"I agree with that, despite never fighting someone." He whispered back.
"We should get lunch together after this. Pizza?"
"I can get lunch. We could go to this Chinese place we all go to some time."
"Oh my hades I think I love you more now. Chinese food is my weakness." I told making him smile.
Once we were done we all left the walls and Temperance told us we can head back to the lab.
"Yo good Doctor. Can me and the hot Bone Boy get lunch?" I asked.
"Of course." She told
"You da best Doc."

As we began to leave I was stopped by the dude who joined us in the wall. Zack of course notice me stopping, causing him to start heading back only for me to signal for him to wait.
"Since you are single, then I wanted to see if you'd get a coffee sometime."
"Hitting on the widow. Real baller move. I don't like coffee so you can take it and shove it right up your fucken ass." I told before pushing past and walking off with Zack.
"You don't like coffee?"
"Eh. It's kinda bitter for my liking. But if I have any then I like just add a shit ton of cream to try and soften the bitterness."
"So us getting coffee sometime is out of the question?" He asked making me smile.
"If it's you Zack. I will always get coffee with you." I told making him smile back to me as we headed to my car. "My bone boy."
"What ever you say Bunny."
"I hate you.
"No you don't."
'I don't think I could ever hate him.'

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