The Man in the Wall.

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~ ( Episode 6: The Man in the Wall ) ~

(Ash p.o.v)

I was sitting on Doc's couch as she was working intently on something at her computer, and Angie came walking in carrying a coat.
"Come on, honey. If we don't leave now, we won't get into the club." Angie stated.
"Please take all the time you need. Will get me out of this." I pointed out.
"Don't listen to her." Angie told but Temperance didn't look up from her computer.
"I'm just finishing up a few emails."
"Oh what?" My cousin asked as she came around to the front of her desk while she dug through her purse.
"My publisher wants to schedule a book tour. I'm just confirming dates."
"That can wait, sweetie."
"So can Peter. He loves meeting people.... Weirdo." I told since I knew he was waiting at the car I parked.
"You love your brother despite him not picking up your calls." Angie told before focusing on trying to get her best friend out of here. "Sweetie, stop doing something that can be done another day."
Temperance got up from her desk and walked over to the coffee table in front of me and picked up the stack of papers to look over.
"There's a student that needs help identifying the cause of a fracture on a lateral epicondyle." She explained.
"TGIF. You heard of that?" Angie asked not amused as she swayed her arms and hips.
"Yeah, it's some kind of acronym. But my inbox is full."
"I'm being forced against my will." I added.
"We know that's not true." She told to the both of us as Temperance walked back to her desk.
"There's a TV show that needs research. Not that they listen..." she told as she shifted through the papers.
"Edgar listened to the advice you had. He was actually thankful you got back to him."
"I like the fact your brother likes to be accurate with his story's." She pointed out making me smile.
"We're going." Angie told taking the papers from her and began to take off her lab coat.
"I really shout catalog that skull." She told as she turned which got her lab coat off.
'Now that's talent.'
"It's in the museum's exhibit on the French Revolution."
"Yeah, Pepé le Pew is more important that booze and boys." She countered as she put the coat down and gave Temperance her jacket.
"I don't think that's his name." Doc told as Angie came over and pulled me off the couch.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure he isn't a skunk." I added before we exited the office.

We were in some Basement club and hip-hop music was playing
"All right, everybody. We're gonna keep it crunking here tonight. Tonight the Basement Club brings to you the number one deejay around town, Deejay Rulz! Give it up!" The MC told into the microphone while we were at the bar with my twin.
"Feels good, doesn't it? Being with people who are alive?" Angie asked.
"I miss my paints!" Peter told.
"I hate people!" I added causing us to cheers.
"You two are terrible!" She told before Temperance continued with the conversation ignoring what we said.
"It's very stimulating, I have to admit."
"We are so gonna tear it up tonight." She told.
"That's slang, right?" Doc asked making us nod.
"Right." Angie told.
"Is it still illegal to shoot people?!" I questioned.
"Yes! You've spent too much time with Dean!" Angie told.
"I was correct in my assumption though that I would hate it here. People keep touching me!" I pointed out.
"Yeah I kinda wish I didn't agree to this as well!" Peter added making us high five.
"Sweeties lighten up. People are going to brush up against you."
"And I'm gonna break their wrist."
"Don't do that."
"Make no promises."
"Who's Dean?!" Doc asked since she was a bit out of loop.
"Her ex!" Angie told since she knew about us separating due to the movie in a few weeks that me and Peter gotta start making, and Doc looked down at her clothes.
"Is my costume all right?" She asked.
"It's an outfit Temperance." Me and Peter stated as I got another beer.
"Sweetie, it's not a costume. It's a cute outfit. And yes, it looks perfect. Ash you should try a martini." She before taking a sip from her martini.
"I like my beer. Also. Surprisingly, Peter looks better then all of us." I added.
"I'm the hottest bitch here!" He joked making me laugh.
"I know, it's very-it's very warm in here." Doc told,
"No, because it looks great." She pointed out.
"I knew you had siblings but I didn't know you were a twin!" Temperance pointed out.
"I'm older by 3 minutes."
"I want to fight him a lot."
"I love her a lot as well." He added making us smile before Angie took me and Temperance by the arm and making us walk away from the bar and I dragged Peter along. "We are so getting checked out!"
"They ain't my type."
"Sweetie! Live a little. You haven't been single in five years." She pointed out.
"I don't think becoming a widow is a way to do it Angel!" Peter added to help lighten the mood.
"He's not actually dead. Just to the government he is. But, I've only been single for like two weeks. I don't exactly think partying at clubs is a way for me to celebrate having to separate." I pointed out as we walked through the crowd.
"I love this music." Temperance told.
"I prefer rock. But it is quite good."
"Deejay Rulz, he is so hot." Angie told as they danced and I just swayed side to side like I was dancing and Peter was doing the same as Angie and Temperance.
"It's so tribal." Doc told.
"Don't say 'tribal', sweetie."
"Why? Oh, because of all the black people?"
"Temperance this is how bar fights start." I told as I noticed people were looking over at us.
"Take it from the twins with an African heritage from dear old Stanley. Dick of a birth father!" Peter added.
"Agreed!" Me and Angie added.
"Sweetie, just for tonight, have fun, stop dissecting and take part." Angie told to try and stop anything bad from happening.
"African-Americans aren't the only ones with tribal heritage." She explained before we were joined by some people.
"You say we're natives of some tribe?" Some chick said.
'Here we go.'
"Anthropologically speaking, we're all members of tribes." She explained and a second one stepped forward.
"You better shut your mouth."
"Aye you better learn some history bitch." I told as more people gathered around us and I moved to stand between them and Peter,
"I just meant hip-hop mirrors the direct visceral connection you see in tribal communication." Temperance told.
"Obviously someone with brain cells would understand!" I told.
"After the Cartesians split in the 17th century, we separated our mind from our bodies the numinous from the animalistic." Doc explained only to make them more mad.
"Are you calling me an animal, fool?" She asked before a third joined us.
"No, fool. She's using Descartes' philosophy to say she's down with the music."
"Who you calling a fool, fool?" The first chick questioned before shoving the woman so she fell and she turned back to Temperance. "Get out of my way."
"There you go!"
Someone tried to shove Temperance but she reacted quickly to it. Another person went to attack me, making me dodge their first. I quickly got ahold of it and kicked him in the head and then brought them to the ground. I twisted their arm in a way so it was about to dislocate.
"Yield Bitch!"
"I yield!" He told making me let go and a second person came rushing towards me.
I hit them in the throat before taking their arm and breaking it before I dislocated it, and then flipped them so they were on the ground in pain. I was picked up by my brother as Angie got Doc and the two began to drag us away from the people wanting to fight.
"We're going, we're going." She told
"I made a big ass dude yield." I told with a smile.
"Sweetie you could get arrested."
"Bro the dudes started it by trying to punch me. It's in self defence. Besides, everyone always goes to jail for one thing and then we get added to the wall."
"I know. We are a weird family." She pointed out.
"You shouldn't have done that, bitch!" A dude told as he went to grab Temperance.
She quickly defended herself and kicked the man hard. When she did, he went crashing into a nearby wall and broke it open.
The crowd ooh'd at it as some white powder was released into the room, and began to fall on us all. Angela got some of the powder on her finger and licked it off while I just rubbed it between my fingers with Peter.
"That's what I'm talking about right there." The dude on the stage exclaimed.
"Uh oh." Angie told as she looked towards me and Peter.
"Yeah it's snowing drugs in here." I confirmed.
"Damn it! Those meetings are so boring!"
"Why does this always happen to us?!" I added.
"Fuck Stanley!" We both exclaimed as one.
"Yo, yo, yo. Check this out." Some dude said
"What is it?" A female asked making us look towards the wall to see a mummified skeleton was there.
"Look at that fool man."
"The wall."
"What the hell is it?"
"It's a dead body dumbass!" I exclaimed as Temperance turned to us with a perplexed expression.
"Shit." The three of us told as one as we looked towards her.

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