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the one with george stephanopoulos

the one with george stephanopoulos

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the one with ollie's bad news

AT THE COFFEE HOUSE, OLLIE WALKED IN to see the group minus joey all lounging in their usual spot.

"hey guys." she smiled, taking off her coat and sat down on the empty spot on the sofa by chandler. "what're you lot talking about?"

"what we would do if we were omnipotent for a day." phoebe explained. "see, if i were omnipotent for a day, i would want, um, world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rain-forest... and bigger boobs!"

"yeah, see you took mine." ross joked. "ollie, what about you?"

"hm if i were omnipotent for a day..." ollie thought for a moment, before coming up with a cheeky idea. "i would make my own movie to star in and hire loads of famous actors and actresses and have them all kiss me."

"ooo good idea." rachel clapped giddily. "chandler?"

"uh, if i were omnipotent for a day, i'd.. make myself omnipotent forever." chandler said.

"ahh so you're that kind of person." ollie scoffed back a laugh.

"there's always one guy." rachel mocked him, beginning to walk off. "if i had a wish, i'd wish for three more wishes."

then joey walked in and they all greeted him.

"hey, joey?" monica asked "what would you do if you were omnipotent?"

"probably kill myself!" joey said casually.

"...excuse me?" monica asked with a confused shake of her head.

"yeah, what?" ollie asked, sending him a bewildered look.

"hey, if little joey's dead, then i got no reason to live!" he explained, sitting down on the arm of the chair besides ollie. everyone just silently laughed to themselves.

"joey, uh- omnipotent." ross emphasised, hoping he'd realise what they meant.

"you are?" joey asked after a pause, when ross stood up defeated. "ross, i'm sorry..."


after another half hour or so at the coffee house, ollie had to go to her call back audition. she was buzzing with excitement and nerves but had a really good feeling about it.

the day got even better when monica invited her over to have a sleepover with the rest of the girls. ollie was just thrilled to get to bond with them on a higher level and sleepovers were the best way to do that.

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