The End

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It's been a month since my babies got their gifts, and it has been a crazy month. True to my guess, I've had to get a leash for Oscar. The boy keeps floating around and pranking people. Too much like Camilo. Flora is very popular in town, being able to give people another conversation with those whom have passed and had their picture taken or painted. Rune has been extremely helpful when kids run off and go missing, using their dropped toys as ways to see where they went.

Today the family is in town, celebrating a festival that in the roughly 6 years I've been here, I've never learned what is was for. Some of the older generation says it's from before the Encanto was made, in the old village. Some speculate it's to honor when Pedro asked Alma to marry him. No one knows for sure, but it's a reason to party, so no one questions it. I'm with Isabela and Mirabel, who are helping me pick out fabrics for the baby blanket I'm making for Leo and Luisa's baby, and what to make Riley's wedding dress out of. She and Camilo are finally getting married next month.

I hear Oscar laughing nearby and when I look over, I can't help but laugh. My poor Bruno looks so tired. In one hand he has a lit cigarette, and the other is a cup of coffee, and the leash holding Oscar like he's a balloon. Bruno is trying to drink his coffee, but Oscar is flying side to side, making it difficult to even keep the coffee in the cup. I head over to my husband and son, ready to save the day. Leo arrives just as I take the leash off Bruno.

"Dude, you don't smoke!" Leo laughs as Bruno finally gets a sip of coffee.

"I do now. You try containing Oscar." Bruno sighs, then takes a drag of his cigarette. I pull Oscar down and tell him to be more careful with his Papa. He's not young like me or Jorge. Bruno raises an eyebrow, sending a pleasurable shiver down my back. I'm gonna pay for that tonight! Leo taps my shoulder and points somewhere. I look over and see Mirabel speaking with a guy her age, looking very happy.

"Hmmm, think they'll break Camilo and Riley record of Longest Courtship in Encanto?" I grin.

"Doubt it. Riley and Camilo were a special case." Jorge's voice speaks up, making me jump. I see him standing next to Bruno, a package in his hands. I pinch his cheek and he laughs. He gives me a hug and kisses my cheek, making a few of the older nearby villagers clutch their hypothetical pearls. That was a fun day, when Alma and Luna walked in on the three of us in bed.

"What's in the package?" I ask him. He winks and says it's a secret, making Bruno smile. Oh no, what the hell do they have planned? I don't get to ask since Oscar decides he wants to fly off and half drags me up the street to a sweets stand. I sigh and get him a few pastel de glorias, and he comes back down to earth to enjoy them. Rune and Flora seem to have sensed it's snack time, because they appear and ask for some too. It's a special day, so I get more for them to enjoy.

I watch my babies enjoy their snacks, and smile. Once done, they run off, after Oscar promises to not prank people or fly higher that the buildings unless necessary. I watch them run off and can't help but feel so lucky I get to be their mother.

Later that night, the whole family is headed back to Casita. I'm carrying Rune, Bruno has Flora and Jorge has Oscar, all of whom are sleeping after a full day of playing with the village kids and a large fireworks display at the end of it. Dolores and Mariano are carrying Pedro and Maria, and the family is so happy, laughing and sharing stories on what they did during the festival.

"So, who's the young man you were talking to, Mirabel?" I ask with a sly grin. Mirabel's eyes widen and the rest of the family descends upon her with all the questions. The five us us with babies slip away to put them to bed, leaving Mirabel to fend for herself. Once the kids are in bed, Bruno, Jorge and I take the special door to get straight to our room. I start to head for my dresser when Jorge stops me, package in hand.

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