“Oh, you simpleton. There’s nothing more perfect than me, but I see you don’t understand that” Sweetheart rolled her eyes dramatically, “You are nothing more than a hack! This was a humongous waste of my time! I am storming off-”

“Oh, I have had enough of your nonsense! Client or not, you’ve really struck my last nerve! Who taught you to run your mouth like that?” Green seemed pissed off, “Now if you excuse me, this is a waste of my precious energy. I have much more important matters to attend to.”

Green left the room and Sweetheart became furious, “Don’t you dare walk off first! I’m the one who is supposed to storm off!”

Sweetheart ran after her, leaving the perfect copy behind. The perfect copy didn’t seem to mind though simply waiting for one to return.

Omori grabbed a slimy keycard off the floor and motioned for everyone to go through the trapdoor.

They climbed out and the ground began to shake catching the group off guard.

“Hmm, oh my. What’s with all the commotion? There must be some fun activities going on downstairs!” Humphrey laughed before his eyes landed on the group, “Oh! Do you have the slimy keycard now?”

“Yep, here ya go!” Kel grinned as Omori handed over the keycard to Humphrey who gladly opened his mouth to eat it.

“Alright! Do you want to go downstairs now?” Humphrey asked.

The group nodded and Humphrey opened his mouth and the group entered.

“Why is it so cramped in here!?” Kel complained as he was squished between Hero and Omori.

“Ugh, this is so gross…” Aubrey sighed as Humphrey reopened his mouth.

Huh, that was fast.

There was a bridge that led forward with a picnic basket nearby. Surprisingly, there was no Mari to accompany it. Huh, normally they get a sight like this when they’re about to...oh.

Were they going to fight Sweetheart again? He hopes not, she was annoying.

They walked across the bridge with ease as Kel began to feel antsy. Why does he feel like this fight was going to be more complicated than the others?

They made it to an area with three connected bridges. The right had green waterfalls, the front had blue, and the left had blue. Sweetheart walked down from the right path and made it to the center before the squid sisters all chased after her.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” Green yelled, her anger in her voice making Kel flinch, “You can’t leave yet, doll!”

“We just want our payment, darling. Can’t you see how upset Marina is getting?” Molly pointed to her sister who looked visibly angry.


“This seems like a personal problem. We should probably go.” Hero whispered.

“Yeah, I don’t want to get caught up in this.” Aubrey agreed.

The group slowly began backing up before Molly’s eyes landed on them, “Stop right where you are, children. Why are you four here?”

“We-we were looking for our friend Basil. Have you seen him?” Kel decided to ask, hoping that the sisters won’t get mad.

“Basil? Like the plant? I have a ton of those.” Green tilted her head.

“N-No, our friend is human like us. He has green hair and normally wears a flower crown.” Hero described him.

“Hmm, nope. Haven’t seen him, sorry.” Green sighed.

Stuck In ParadiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora