Simmons: Um, sir?

Sarge: Quiet, Simmons! (Donut is now standing beside Sarge.) You've been too unreliable lately for a suicide mission. I think I need to go with a pro.

Grif: Gee thanks, sir.

South: Sarge.

Sarge: Just get him back here! I can't stand Donut being captured another minute!

Donut: Aww, that's sweet, Sarge! Thank you!

Alex: Donut is here.

Sarge: What the-?

Grif: Mission accomplished, sir.

Sarge: Excellent work, Private Grif!

Grif: Thanks, sir. Request permission to go AWOL for a few months?

Sarge: Permission denied.

Grif: Eh. Had to try.

Sarge: Donut, you're back! Are you okay? You look fine to me.

Donut: I do? Well, I did switch to a new armor polish recently. Thanks for noticing, Sarge.

Alex: They didn't toucher him.

Sarge: No, I mean they didn't hurt you!

Donut: Hurt me? Oh no, not at all.  They only have two guys now.

Sarge: Just two soldier, eh? That seems like it could be a tactical advantage.

Simmons: We already knew that!

Sarge: And now it's confirmed.

Grif: Permission to switch Simmons to the Blue Team, sir?

Sarge: Permission denied.

Grif: Eh. Had to try.

Alex: Would have been so cool killing Simmons.

Simmons: Fuck it. I'm gonna go help Lopez with the jeep. (runs off)

Sarge: Okay, Donut. I want as much information as possible. Let's get you debriefed.

Donut: That sounds like fun. Boy, things have really changed around here.

South: Ya I'll be helping Lopez to.(south walks off)

Sarge: That's not what I meant!

Cuts to Caboose and Will watching from afar.

Caboose: Okay, Epsilon. Let's get in there. [whispers] And try to stay quiet. It's sneaking time.

Delta appears next to Will's head.

Delta: This is not logical but I must go to give aid.

Will: Let's get this over with.

Caboose and Will runs off towards Red Base. The scene cuts to Simmons standing beside with South walking over Lopez, who is fixing the jeep. Caboose and Will are hiding behind one of the barricades beside them and spontaneously pops up from behind other barricades and boxes as they gets closer to the three Reds.

Simmons: No, no. That one goes there, this one goes here.

South: Simmons let Lopez work.

Lopez:  [This argument is redundant. I know what corresponds to where.]

Simmons: Here, just let me do it, give me your wrench.

South: That's a hammer.

Lopez: . [This is a hammer you fucking idiot.]

Caboose: (crouched, sneaking past the jeep) [whispers to self] I am sneaking, I am sneaking.

Will: (crouched behinde Caboose whispering) Shut up Caboose.

Scene cuts to Sarge. The metal box behind him begins to slide on its own towards the Red Base as the Reds are talking.

Sarge: Did you tell him anything?

Donut: Not really. It seems like they had most of the information anyway.

Sarge: What?

Donut: Yeah! I was actually surprised by how much information he had gathered about our weapons and facilities.

Sarge: We've got a leak! Grif, found out who's been gabbin'!

Alex: You told them everything Sarge.

Caboose continues to sneak towards the Red Base, chanting in a whisper, "Sneaking, sneaking, sneaking" to himself as Grif  and Alex silently watches the, pass.

Sarge: Grif, can you find the leak or not!?

Caboose (the box) crashes into something and stops moving. 

Caboose: [whispers] Oh! What was that?!

Will: (Whispers) It was the damn box.

Grif: I'll get right on that, sir. I'm sure the leak is someone very close to us. Specifically, someone very nearby me.

Scene cuts to the simulation room inside the Red Base, with Caboose and Will?

Caboose: There's nothing here? This room is boring! [making echoes] Boring, boring... boring... boring... boring... boring... (turns to Epsilon, who is making noise) Epsilon, shush! (Epsilon gets louder) Epsilon, seriously! Stop it. They're going to hear you!

Delta appears next to Will but at his size.

Will: Guess this thing gives Delta a body.

Screen fades to black. A warping noise is heard, indicating that a hologram is activating.

Caboose:'s you...!

Red vs Blue recreation male ocWhere stories live. Discover now