we have guests

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It was a nice afternoon at the x mansion and Charles was just minding his own business sitting in his wheelchair when someone starts knocks on the front door to the mansion when Scott knocks on the door to Charles room and waits for an answer

Charles: come in

And so Scott walks in

Scott: professor there's someone at the door who wants to see you

Charles: thank you for telling me I'll be down in a minute

Scott: ok Charles

And so Scott goes to let the guest know that he would be down as that happens Charles goes from he was to the elevator to the ground floor and goes to the front door to see who's at the door
and it's Steve Rogers with a young girl with light brown hair in a dark jeans standing next to him looking shy and nervous and Charles smiles at both Wanda and Steve

Charles: hello Captain Rogers

Steve: hello professor

Charles: oh please call me Charles how can I help you today?

Wanda looks at him a bit shy

Steve explains everything that happened with Wanda in the avengers story that i did

Steve: when i first met her she was defending a group of people from an attack in her home country of sokovia and sometimes would lose control of her gifts

Charles: who else knows about this?

Steve: as far as i can tell you director fury

Charles: and you told him about my school for gifted youngsters whether if it they're from the United States or not

Steve: yes I did

Charles: thank you

Steve: your welcome

Charles: how's Logan doing?

Steve: from when i last seen him he seemed to be doing pretty well for himself

Charles looks over at Wanda noticing that she seems a bit shy as she noticed that there were kids around her age with different abilities being able to do different things in different classrooms and so he starts trying to talk to her with his mind but as his trying to talk to her he sees Wanda in a prison kind of like in the credit sences where her and quicksilver were shown or the same prison like holding cell she was in like in my last story or in other words the same cells they were in during the end credit sences of Captain America the winter soldier and so he tries to help her out of the situation she's in mentality but can't for some reason

Charles: you brought her into the right place at the right time Steve I'll make sure that she'll be able to control her gifts

Steve: thank you Charles

Charles: your welcome I'll make sure to update you on everything I appreciate you bringing her here

Steve: thank you

And as Steve was about to Wanda goes over to Steve hugging him and he gives her a cell phone

Wanda: thank you Steve

Steve: your welcome if you feel like you need someone to talk to Charles is here plus I put my number in your phone as well along with Clint's as well

Wanda: ok

And so Steve ends up also greeting the rest of the other students at the x mansion kind of like john cena's twentieth year anniversary being part of the wwe when he showed up and greeted everyone as the students stand in lines of two applauding him for being a great hero and for the recent mission in sokovia for a good ten minutes till Charles gets all the other students attention in a calm like manor

Charles: ok settle down everyone yes this is Captain America in the flush and I'm sure he would be happy to answer some questions if his ok with it

And Charles looks at Steve

Steve: sure I wouldn't mind answering a few questions for a few minutes

And so Steve answers some of the other students questions some of the questions involved his time under the ice and when he and the other avengers toke down aim and Beast smiles a bit to see that Steve Rogers is at the x mansion and after that Charles told all of the students to go back to class afterward

Charles: ok everyone back to class now please

And so the students went back to class like they were told and so Steve even goes out of his way to help wanda feel more comfortable with being at the x mansion after he gives her some money before he leaves

Steve: shield will take care of your citizenship and everything else you have my number in case you want to talk

Wanda: thank you Steve

Steve: your welcome Wanda

And so Steve leaves the x mansion gets on his motorcycle and drives off

And so Wanda starts to organize her things and put them in different place in her dorm room

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And so Wanda starts to organize her things and put them in different place in her dorm room

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