"No one can do that," Snape spoke in his signature monotoned voice. "There is the conscious... and the unconscious. No person can turn those both off without... training. He trained you, didn't he."

"I killed Dumbledore," Lea said it as if to try and throw him off whatever trail he was on. It wasn't time yet. "I hated him. Why would he ever train me?"

She didn't let him respond. Lea simply walked around him and hurried down the stairs. Trying to wipe her hands off on her black pants. 

The one good thing about dark clothing, it hid the blood that stained them.


"Your growing up so fast," Fred sat on the floor with his back resting on the bed, holding onto Matty helping him stand up. "Oh yeah, you're going to be tall just like me. And the most handsome member of this family, of course."

Matty giggled. He had grown so much, now being four months old. His little wisps of red hair had grown out and always looked like a mess. But Fred had never been more proud of his son. There wasn't a day that he didn't want to spend every second with him. Aside from his wife, Mathew was his greatest treasure.

"Hey, buddy, you're going to do so amazing in life," Fred watched his son's face light up. "You got to study really hard, and make sure you are a nerd. And of course, at least one prank a month. Maybe a week. Don't worry, I'm sure uncle George will make sure you are stocked up. You have to be nice to McGonagall though, your coming from a long line of people who she acts like she doesn't like, but I think she really does. And of course, you're going to be amazing to mummy. She's going to be having a hard time and you have to make sure you're extra nice to her. Okay?"

Matty fell back on his but with Fred still holding onto his hands. He threw his head back and giggled.

"Yeah," Fred smiled softly. "You get me."

Mya had been standing in the doorway. She didn't mean to be eavesdropping but she also didn't want to interrupt this. 

It was the type of special moment that couldn't be replicated or recorded. She wondered how many of these he might have had with their son. Matty would never remember these special moments, but she would for him. 

There wouldn't be a day that went by that she didn't tell Matty about his father. 

Moving out of the doorway, she turned around and walked down the stairs. The house was still madning with how many people were stuffed in here. Luna had left a while ago on a path to head back to Hogwarts. 

Olivander's almost two years of captivity would have been hard on anyone, let alone a man of his age. She had been helping Fleur with trying to get him back on his feet, but his recovery would be a while in the making.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry were planning their master heist into Gringotts. A fine plan in Mya's mind. And she stood her ground, she wasn't going to help them in any sort of way with it. They knew what they were doing, she wasn't here to help them. She was here to save people. Like Fred. 

They were. Her mind had to correct itself. It was Lea and her, they had been a team coming here. Lea was the other half in the equation of saving people.

Her mind kept jumping back and forth on why she would join Voldemort. Why she would kill Dumbledore. It kept telling her that Lea must have a plan she didn't voice to her closest friend. But why wouldn't she be able to tell her? There was nothing Mya hadn't known coming into this that Lea did. 

But Lea's heart was pure gold, and it made everything around her shine. She shouldn't have done any of this... she hadn't even told Mya she was planning to leave.

Journey: Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now