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First name - Kace
Middle name - doesn't have one
Last name - Jackson
Nicknames - kacy, fittie, cutie and nerd
Age- 27
Birthdate - 7th October
Gender and pronouns - male (he/him)
Sexuality - pansexual
Place of birth - Spain
Currently living in - America
Language - Spanish and English
Nationality - Spanish
Occupation - model /drummer

Face Claim-

Height- 6'0
Weight - average
Body Structure - skinny with a little muscle
Piercings/ tattoos-

This on his right arm

On his left shoulder for his mum
Accessories - necklace with his mums wedding ring on
Scars - had none

Birth marks - has none
Eye colour - black with bits og purple

Natural Colour - brown
Dyed Colour - hasnt dyed his hair

Everyday wear-

Formal wear-

personality - Kace is kind and helpful, but can be very
overprotective of his sister, he loves solving problems and playing drums.
Good traits - funny, caring and dedicated
Bad traits - overprotective, people pleaser
likes - solving problems/crimes , listening to crime documents,
playing drums, spending time with the ones he loves
Dislikes - emma, homophobic/transphobic idiots, failing a crime scene, people hurting the ones he loves
Hobbies- playing drums, singing, solving problems, designing

Mother - kathy (died giving birth)
Father - noah
Sister - parker (twin)
Brother - hasnt got one
Step parents - emma (step mum)
Step siblings - doesnt have any
Pets - doesnt have any

Relationship status - single
Ideal type - good personality, a good person
Future plans with lover - start a family

Stats (out of 10) -
Intellegence - 9/10
Creativity - 5/10
Honesty - 5/10 (depending on who/what)
Confidence - 6/10
Speed - 6/10
Reflexes - 5/10
Coordination - 5/10
Flexibility - 5/10


Smut (yes or no) - yeh
Turn ons - worship, biting, anything really except his turn offs
Turn Off's - being foced, getting straight into it, body fluids, r@pe, anything weird, having to hit or be hit
Position - proud top

This or that-
Early bird or night owl -night owl
Sweet or spicy - spicy (personality and food)
Daredevil or Cautious - middle
Introvert or extravert - extravert
Sunrise or Sunset - sunset
Leader of follower - leader
Coffee or tea - tea
Cat or dog - dog

Wait and see

Extra information (we dont have to roleplay with this if you dont want to) -
Has a quirk called gas.
Bacically he produces a gas from his mouth that can either make someone pass out or fall in love with him and do whatever he says the downfall is that he could never tell what gas would come out he also has to wear a mask for the rest of my life. also the quirk ends when he puts the mask back over his mouth his family, soulmate and himself don't get affected by the Gas

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