
94 5 12

1. Write in third person please i dont write in first.

2. I do prefer to rolwplay in pms but will do comments if thats easier for you.

3. No one word sentances like "she smiles" or "he laughs" please be decriptive atleast 3 or more lines.

4. I do roleplay smut, but if we do then all the characters must be over 18 please 

5. Hate the characters not the roleplayer.

6. I am ok with swearing

8. Let me know if you have any triggers before we roleplay.

9. Please dont constantly tag me or message me if i dont reply, if i dont reply with in a week you can tag.
And if you get bored of the rp just tell me instead of goasting me.

1.What number did i miss
2.Tag atleast 3 people
3. favourite colour

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