Breezy's Baby l 1

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My eyes slowly flitered open as the sound of my sons cry came flowing through his baby moniter, i sat up and looked over at the clock that sat on my bed side table 3:30am, i sighed and threw my legs over the side of the bed as his cry became more louder and stronger, being a new mother was still something i was getting use to and so was Christopher. I yawned as i placed my feet in my Spongebob slippers and mazed my way to the next room. "...Mommy's here..." I whispered turning on his light his cry was even more louder now that i was in the same room, I walked over to his crib and scooped him up "Christopher you werent even sleep a good five hours..." I said over his cry as i searched for his passie, i placed it in his mouth after finding it under his teddy bear and the room became silent again. "...i guess you like keeping mommy up, huh ?" I asked talking to him as he looked up at me with his watery eyes, i kinda smiled. I still couldnt believe sometimes that this little bundle of joy was mines and that for the next 18 years he was my responsibilty. I turned the lamp on and turned the big light out as i sat down in the rocking chair my mother had gotten me a couple weeks ago "...what am i gonna do with you? you know big boys dont cry Christopher" i went on talking and he went on looking with his big bright eyes, i rocked back and fourth as he reached his hand out toward my face.

" know you look just like your daddy right ? he's a good looking man so dont worry.." I said laughing a little "you've got curly hair just like he does, pretty eyes just like he does, same nose like he has... your a mini lady killer" i told him, i loved moments like this just me and Christopher enjoying each other as tired as i was i would get up every hour if i needed to just so he'd kno that no matter what i'd always have his back. "you know your nanny wants you to meet your daddy, she thinks it would be good for you to meet him and for him to know that he has the cutest son in the world ... what you think ? you wanna meet your daddy ?" I asked like he was gonna really reply to me, i reached for his hand and he grabbed my finger and held it in his "i hope im the only women you wanna hold hands with for a while" i said. "You wanna know something ? your the best thing that ever happened to me and i love you so much and i want you to always remember that okay ? can you do that for mommy?" I asked as his eyes slowly but surely began to closer again "i know you can, you dont even gotta tell me ... i know you can" i continued to rock as my eyes began to close again too.


"...Arm...Arma...Armani" my eyes opened again to see my mother standing over me "Armani Baby wake up" She said i looked at her "where's Christopher?" I asked remembering i had fallen asleep with him in my arms "dont worry i got him but you need to get up, you gotta get to work" She said as i scratched and yawned all at the same time "what time is it ?" I asked getting up "2:30pm" she replied i shook my head and started out the room, i had to be at work at 4 so i had just enough time to take a shower and get dressed. Right now i was working at Citi Trends not the best job but at least i was making ends meet for me and my little man, i did have bigger dreams tho and i was in the process of making big things happen. Modeling was something i wanted to do since i was old enough to know what modeling was, seeing the women on magizines and on videos as a kid made me see that, thats what i wanted to be. I had already done some small things for local modeling agencies but now i was wanting to step my game up and finding my big break came with hard work.

When i finally came out the bathroom, i was dressed in a white crop top and my favorite green mini skirt that fit just right to my curves, i loved my body and took care of it almost everyday. I put my sandals and looked for my keys as my mama came in my room with Christopher on her hip " going out tonight ?" She asked truth was i didnt know no one talked about going out but you never knew what came up "nobodies said anything about going out but you kno ill probably stay in with Chris" I said finding my keys under my purse, she shook her head "You havent been out in a while so ill watch Chris so you can" She said i looked at her as i sled my sunglasses on " okay?" I asked walking past her, she followed behide me as she told me she was just fine "you sure ?" I asked making sure, she told me yea as Christopher started in on his baby noises "okay mama, ill see yall later" I said opening the front door she walked over and i kissed her on the cheek and gave Chris a peck too "i love yall" I said she told me she loved me to as i walked out to my nissian "wave bye to mommy" She said waving Chris arm for him, he watched me as i got in the car and backed out the drive way. I hated leaving him but the money called and i had a job to do.

With me only being 20 i had alot on my plate but i knew that at the end of the day it would all pay off and i was just waiting on my moment. School, Work, Modeling and Being a mommy, i could remember when older women who had kids would say a mother's work was never done, i knew that for a fact now and i was proud of the young women i was becoming and all i wanted to do was make Christopher proud of me too.

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