Chapter 7

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Driving through the hall they come across a fast moving traffic of floating androids flying through hallways fast.
The first officer waited awhile then found an opening then drives the transport into the hallway.
Wall-E knew he had to catch up, so he presses a button on his boots. The bottom produced a two wheel roller skate. He glides himself to the hallway entrance, he tests the waters, but accidentally bumped into a android that then bumped into another.
He squeaked a loud 'SORRY!' Then skated off.
He pulls down his goggles and enlarged it and found them going up a ramp.
He skates towards their direction, and comes across something bizarre. A fat human on a chair chatting with his friend.
"Let's go over to the driving range and hit a few virtual balls in space."
"Nah we did that yesterday I don't wanna do that again."
Wall-E then looked between himself to find both of them by him talking virtually even though they right by each other.
"Well then what do you wanna do?"
"I don't know something."
Wall-E stops and gapes in awe, around him were more humans who were all fat, on chairs, and chatting with their friends virtually.
He skates forward and sees a lot of the humans were drinking food cups.
"Hey drink bot take the cup!" He sees a human trying to give something the cup.
'Who's he talking about?' I think Wall-E's mentally freaking out.
The human then fell out of the chair blocking the path as two steward androids clear the situation.
"Please remain calm passenger. A service bot will be here to assist you momentarily." One said.
"What cha here about more androids malfunctioning again?" The second steward said.
"Again?" The first steward replied.
I think the stewards were ignoring the passenger.
Gathering his courage he helps the passenger onto his seat.
He pulls down his goggles, and sees the officer on a tram.
"Ah! EVA!" He skates after them.
He hops on the tram in time as it speeds off.
He sees EVE in the other side of a female passenger, he tries to move from behind but go smooshed.
Let's try a different tactic!
He messes with the chairs audio but turns it off. This snaps the passenger out the trance as she looks around like she's never been here before.
"Um, excuse me?"
"Oh, um, sorry! Did you need something?" She asked.
"I was wondering if I could get pass you?"
"Oh! Sure here." She moved her chair back as Wall-E got passed her to EVE.
The tram stops, the officer drives the transport away to a tower then approach a receptionists.
"Welcome to the HQ how can I help you?" The receptionist asked not looking up.
"I'm first officer GO-4, classified mission, I'm here to see the auto pilot."
"Sorry officer, the auto pilot is busy, your going to have to come back..." she looked at the screen, "never."
The officer responds sarcastically, "oh no, then I guess I'll have to report you to Auto for malfunction."
The reception android hesitated.
"Very well." She taps a button and the elevator opens.
They go in, the receptionist sees Wall-E as he sees her and waves his as if saying hi.
She does the same as the elevator goes up.
To the HQ of the captain and auto pilot.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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Wall-E (but a little more human)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz