Chapter 4

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The white android was in an abandoned supermarket with scan coming up negative looking up she sees Wall-E following her, after she spots him he tries to retreat but runs into a pile of shopping carts that move down the stairs he tries to open the door but the carts ran into him as the white android shakes her head. At a water storage center her scans, again, come up negative. Wall-E watches her as she flew around and settled on the ground and went into sleep mode, he walks up to her and waves hand in-front of her he thinks for a bit and gathers some trash together.
The next morning the white android wakes up to find a statue of trash in front of her, but walks passed it as Wall-E watches with a face of failure as he kicks a pile of steel beams that fall on him.
The white android scans a truck, nothing.
Scans a pour potty, nothing.
Scans an escape capsule, nothing.
Scans the inside of a ship, nothing!
Frustrated she leaves, only to be caught by a giant hanging magnet. Pissed she fires her gun at the magnet, freeing herself, then she destroys a ship that topples over and destroys the line of ships that follow.
Nervously, Wall-E walks up to her and sits by her. She turns to him and starts speaking in several languages until she lands on english.
"Directive?" She asks
"Huh?" Wall-E asks in confusion
"Directive?" She says more clearly
"Oh!" Wall-E then grabs an armful of trash then compressed it into a cube.
"Ta-da!" He exclaimed. She looks at him with curiosity as he looks at her.
"Directive?" He asks.
"Directive?" She says pointing to herself.
He nods.
"Classified" she says turning away.
"Oh...ok" he says.
"Your name?" She asked scanning him.
"Wall-E" he says with a smile.
"Wall-E?" She says with a giggle.
The way she said his name got him good as he coos happily inside.
"EVE" she introduced.
"EVE?" He struggles to say.
"EVE" she says more slowly.
"EVA?" He says.
"EVE, EVE" she says more.
"EVA!" He says with a laugh.
She laughs with him.
Suddenly and loud beep alerted him as he looks around and sees a sandstorm behind EVE. He panics as she looks at him confused, the storm hits them both as EVE panics and looks around to find Wall-E.
"Wall-E!" She yells.
"Wall-E!" She yells again, this time a gloved hand grabs hers and takes her to the storage truck. He opens the door and they hurriedly go in as he shuts it. Looking around the colorful lights that lit up EVE looks around the storage truck as Wall-E looks up and smiles.
"You can look if you'd like" he says thumbs twiddling. She looks around in awe, then walks pass a wall talking bass and gets startled and pulls out her gun to shoot it but Wall-E stops her in time.
"No,no,no,no,no, it's fine! Could you please put that away please!" He says worriedly. She complies as they both explore everything he has collected including watching the makeshift TV.
"Ah! I actually found something weird, I didn't know what it was but I'll show one second!" He hurriedly gets the plant he found as EVE looks at the scene where the human man and woman are holding hands singing and becomes entranced. She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turns as Wall-E presents her the plant he found. She scans it, suddenly her blue scanner turns green as she realizes that this was what she was looking for. She freezes and suddenly grabs the plant and puts it inside herself as she suddenly shuts off draining the power from the truck. Wall-E just stands there wide-eyed and shocked, he begins to shake her.
"EVA?" He says, nothing.
"EVA?" Nothing
"EVA!?" He shouts, with worry and sadness laced in his tone.

Wall-E (but a little more human)Where stories live. Discover now