Chapter 2

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Naomi Lockwood's POV

After some time I stopped crying and calm down from my mental breakdown, I got up and quickly went to the bathroom. Thank goodness no one was there, I comb my hair using my fingers. If this was going to be my last day here, I might as well be useful, hoping Mr. Davenport changes his mind about firing me.

I sat at my cubicle and tried not to think about what happened earlier, while my co-workers whispers lingered around the room. I know they're talking about me but I try not to let it get to me and affect my work performance. I never really had friends in my department and probably the whole company, there was only one exception, and that was a girl named Jordan West.

Both me and Jordan met at the interview when this company was hiring, she was so confident when she answered the questions the interviewer gave her. I approached her after and the rest was history.

Time went on as I typed on the computer, I didn't even realize it was lunch until the others started getting up and leaving to have their break. Although starving I didn't have enough money for outside food so I just took the food I packed this morning, I have to admit it was quite lonely eating in the office all by myself but who am I to complain. I have to keep every penny to pay the debt and rent, I can't just spend on the things I want.

I came back to my sense once I heard the slow steps of heels coming towards me from the back. "Boo!" Jordan said, making me squeal in surprise. She laughed hysterically as I slap her arm playfully, Jordan would always do silly pranks on me but I never seem to get used to them. "You're always so jumpy, come on let's go have lunch outside."

I pouted at her. "I can't, I don't have enough on money on me." I told her, plus the restaurant outside the building has a very expensive menu. Atleast for me since everyone else could afford it.

"Did I say you were the one paying? Come on, my treat." She said before grabbing me by the hand and just started to drag me until we reached the elevator. Reaching the ground, we walked side by side towards one of the many pricey restaurant near the company. While walking she talked about her boss, James Parker. "I wish I could just punch his obnoxious face." She ranted, I couldn't help but giggle. Jordan and James always had a hatred towards each other like cats and dogs.

I small bell chimed as we entered the establishment, we sat in a booth near the window with the view outside of people minding their own business. I wondered if they also have problems as big as mine or am I just that unlucky, I kept staring outside, at this point I'm not even listening to Jordan rant anymore. My unconscious thoughts would soon be cut off by a waiter handing as menu. "Oh, I'll have the usual." Jordan told him, as the waiter wrote it on the little note pad he was holding. I was having a hard time picking, not only do the food sound delicious, they are also very expensive. "I know what you're thinking, I told you this is my treat. Pick anything you like and I'll handle the bill."

I concentrated on the menu once again, scanning through all the restaurant has to offer and their prices. "I-I'll have the french onion soup and chicken caesar salad." The waiter wrote the order down and picked up the menu before leaving, while we waited for our order Jordan started ranting once again about her so called obnoxious boss.

The bell chimed again as another group of people entered the restaurant, our peaceful conversation was cut off when the group came towards us. "Well, if it isn't the slut and her bestfriend." Kendall saud as an insult towards us, there has been rumors spreading around that Jordan is sleeping with James and that's how she got such I high position in the company. They couldn't be further from the truth, because as I mentioned they hate each other. "Why don't you sleep with Mr. Davenport too, so your bestfriend could get her job back." The others with her started laughing, the glare from Jordan's eyes were burning but we both know she can't cause a scene her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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