Chapter 1

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Naomi Lockwood's POV

The sound of heels clacking can be heard throughout the hall as I walk as fast as I could to the meeting room, I was running late. Trying not to trip and spill the cups of coffee I bought earlier, I took a deep breath once I was standing right in front of the door. Slowly turning the knob, the once noisy room suddenly turned quite as everyone turn their heads towards me. "You're late." The head of my department stated in a tone that clearly sounded pissed.

"I'm sorry, I was up all night making the slides for the presentation." I told her as I passed everyone coffee cups in hopes of them taking my apology.

The head of the department, Kendall muttered a curse before saying. "It's fine just be mindful of the time, next time." She was a little calmer now, I took a seat in one of the meeting room chair before taking my laptop out. I took one last check to the slides I've been working on, this presentation has to run smoothly. The management will be here for our presentation, though a little mistake would be fine with the management.

I stayed silent while the rest of the crew chatted, the management hasn't arrived yet so we have a little bit of free time, I couldn't help but worry about the promotion. If there are one to zero errors, I would be fine, I would still get it. The promotion would be huge help in paying for my rent, my current salary isn't bad but the debt that my father left after his death was taking it all away. This thing could only be the solution to that problem.

I could pay out the debt and the rest of my pending rent for the last three months, and just hopefully eat something other than instant ramen.

Everyone greeted the management as they arrive in the meeting room. "Good morning to all of you too, shall we start with the presentation?" The head of the management said, this is it a new lease on life.

Tyler Davenport's POV

The words of the lawyer sounded like blur to my ears as frustration took over my body. "What do you mean I had to have a legal marriage certificate before getting my inheritance?!" I said making him know I was furious about the recently discovered information. This was absolutely ridiculous, there's no way I will ever settle down.

"Mr. Davenport, it is stated on the will that you will need a marriage certificate to get your share on the inheritance your father left." Mr. Bellamy explained like I'm some intellectually incapable street rat, for the past five years this will has been read to me over and over again this the first time it mentioned anything about marriage. "It also is written on here that, if you are newly wedded you must stay married for half a year."

I couldn't help but run my hands through my hair in frustration, part of my share must be worth a fortune since I am the only child of Sebastian Davenport. The president of SKJ Corp and biggest shareholder of most companies in this country, but I don't care about the money. All I need now is to take over the company, the empire that my father built for my future.

My uncle is the currently acting president of SKJ Corp, the spot that is supposed to be mine when I reach the right age and get my share in the inheritance but apparently I need  to marry now. I'm not even worried about my uncle running the company, the problem comes down to his scrutinizing wife and bratty kids. With all the money they are spending buying designer bags, branded clothes and expensive shoes, they'll make the company file for bankruptcy before I can ever get what's rightfully mine.

"Is that all?" I asked in defeat, there's really nothing I could do with that. Mr. Bellamy nodded as a sign that there were nothing to be discussed anymore, I stood up and shook his hand.

As he was walking away, he turned to face me again. I raised an eyebrow at him, maybe he forgot to mention something. With a smile he told me. "I hope the next time we meet you'll have a very lucky girl with you." That was his last words to me before walking out of the place I call home.

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