Finn walks over to his brother and smacks him on the shoulder. And rather than reacting by smacking Finn back, like he usually would, Harry just spins around and says, "Need something?"

"Yeah, I need to know who put crack in your coffee this morning," Finn says, and Harry's smile just gets even wider.

He's so excited to tell his brother that Macey has a date planned for them, and even more excited to tell Finn how it went afterwards.

He's been keeping his brother very well informed about the crush he's had on Macey, and almost everything they do together.

Finn, being equally excited after hearing their Saturday plans, gives Harry a hug, congratulates him, and then makes his way to his room, and Harry shortly follows.

He gets to his room and immediately opens up his journal, but he's got so much running through his brain that he can't quite seem to focus. He's got too many words in his head and can't put them on paper yet. So instead, he chooses to just put more music on, and continues to dance in his room.

After some time, Harry finally feels as though he's got most of his energy out, but of course the excitement is still there. He plops himself onto his bed, so he's resting on his back with his arms sprawled out.

She's really planned something for us, Harry whispers to himself.

And he can't help but think, I think she's really starting to like me, too.


My hands are shaking, and my legs feel as though they might give out underneath me as I make my way down the stairs to meet Harry at his car.

I get to the bottom of the steps, and before opening up the front door, I shut my eyes and just took a few deep breaths. I didn't want Harry to see how worked up I was, and to be honest, I didn't want to be this worked up either.

I wanted to be calm and collected. A bit of nerves is okay, I tried to keep telling myself that, but I didn't want to be consumed by them.

So with one more breath, I forced a smile, twisted the doorknob, and walked out the door.

You got this Mace.

I shut the door behind me, and spin around on my heel to be met with Harry leaning against the car door.

He's wearing a plain white t shirt underneath an opened olive green flannel His arms are crossed over his chest, just below where the pockets on his flannel end while the chain that dangles around his neck reflects the sunlight. Two rings have made themselves home on his right middle and left pointer fingers.

His legs are crammed into a pair of worn out black skinny jeans, which is typical for him, but what's not typical for him is his shoes. Where he usually sports a pair of converse sneakers or vans, he's now wearing a pair of what looks to be Chelsea boots which he of course looks so good in.

 Where he usually sports a pair of converse sneakers or vans, he's now wearing a pair of what looks to be Chelsea boots which he of course looks so good in

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