I didn't look at him when I answered. "I- I just, I mean, you called me? I don't understand? I- I thought you hated me, I just-"

"Hey, woah, why would you think I hate you?" He cuts me off and rushes out his next question. He places his hand over mine to try and get me to look at him, and it works.

I look at him and open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I'm too distracted by his touch and the shiver down my spine I get at the sudden contact. I just shake my head and stare into his eyes.

"Why don't we just go inside, get our smoothies and sit down, then we can talk, yeah?" He soothed, rubbing his thumb back and forth against my skin in an effort to bring me back down from the clouds, which definitely was helping, but not completely.

"Okay, sure, yeah. Let's go inside," I give him a tight-lipped smile and take my hand back so I can open the car door and get out and Harry does the same. We walk side by side to the front entrance of the shop, stealing quick glances at each other from the corner of our eyes.

We walk in, after Harry holds the door open for me, and I immediately am met with a burst of cold air. I pull the sides of my beige zip up jacket tighter around my torso, trying to create some warmth for myself and keep my arms folded across my chest as we arrive at the counter. Harry takes his sunglasses off and rests them on the top of his head.

We idle by for a few short moments, studying the menu, before an older woman, I'd place her in her late fifties, appears behind the register.

"What can I get for you today?" she asks with an enthusiastic smile.

"I'll have a medium mango smoothie please and," Harry trails off at the end of his sentence and turns his body to me so I can tell the woman my order.

"Um, a medium strawberry banana smoothie please."

"For here or to go?" She asks.

"For here, please," Harry smiles at her. I was really glad he was doing most of the talking. I get so anxious when ordering things, or just speaking in public settings in general.

The woman rings up our order, and Harry is already prepared to pay, standing with his card in his hand waiting to hear the total.

I catch myself staring at him again. Noticing the way his nose moves up and down when he talks, the way he scrunches up his face, almost like his nose itches but he doesn't want to use his finger to scratch it, the way he stands with his arms held together behind his back and shifts his weight back and forth between each foot. The way he purses his lips to the side in habit as he waits for somebody's response to something.

He's so admirable.

"That'll be $10.64," The woman spoke and Harry gave her his card. The transaction was made and the woman told us to have a seat and that she'd bring our smoothies over to our table as soon as they were prepared.

Harry thanked her, and I just smiled at her and nodded my head, and he led us to a table on the patio behind the building. The patio was beautifully decorated. There were potted plants at all corners of the cement, and behind the patio, further away from the building was a large patch of bright green grass with tall trees. I was very grateful he chose to sit outside because the cold interior was starting to become uncomfortable.

Harry didn't look bothered by it though, if he was cold he didn't show it. He seemed just fine in his white Rolling Stones T shirt and black jeans with holes in the knees. I've said it before, but he just has a way of making the simplest things look good, I don't know how he does it.

I wish I could do that.

We arrive at a table that Harry deems suitable for us to sit down at, and gestures for me to take a seat. The table he chose is in the sun, but there's an umbrella in the middle of the table that Harry opens up so we're hidden in the shade.

Disarray [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now