"We're staying" Lance admitted towards the rest as he kindly passed over Antok glass, leaving Shiro to grabbed his refilled one himself. 

"Good luck to you both" Antok mumbled back with a pilot nod towards the couple. 

"Not you two as well" Shiro groaned back and starting to worry if this was a Holt thing by now over not wanting to leave. Throwing back his second drink while Lance went back to baby sipping from his glass and Antok just stared at his drink. 

"She's my little sister, I can't leave her a second time. It's my fault she and my beloved man is involved in this mess. I have to help and fix it" Matthew lightly argued back with a sad smile, knowing his own chances of survival along with his family chances and not really enjoying the numbers. 

"The Holt's are the only family I got, I can't walk away from them. If they're going to die saving earth than I'll be by their side until the end. Not the worse way to go" Lance sweetly smiled as he stirred his drink about a little in his hand. Knowing he won't be holding breath for much longer. 

"It was nice knowing you both" Regris replied, patting Matthew shoulder and earning the couple to snort. 

"How come she's not leaving with you?" Antok asked a little surprised that Shiro didn't just fling Katie over his shoulder and carry her to the boat if she refused to come. 

"How's your friend?" Shiro asked instead as he didn't want to even think over the women right now. 

"He had his eyes and his tongue ripped out. How would you be?" Antok growled back, chugging his drink down and slamming a fist against the bar. 

"We left Curtis alone with the man Slav brought along. He says he could help him .. somehow. We planned to just turn him away but Curtis is desperate to speak or see again and wanted to hear the guy out. We left them to talk it out" Regris quickly spoke up with a weak smile, trying to keep the friendly air and give a nicer update over their teammate. 

"Yeah, I met that creep in the hallway" Shiro admitted with a small frown, rubbing the back of his neck as he still had a bad feeling over the dude. 

"Slav or the other guy?" Antok jokingly asked as he knew how the guy felt over Slav. 

"Both" Shiro grinned back earning a bark of laughter from the rest, well everyone apart from a confused Matthew. 

"Who's Slav" Matthew whispered towards his boyfriend, wondering who they were talking about. 

"Just be happy that you've never met him before" Lance smirked back as he poured them all another round of drinks. 

"Well.. to leaving" Shiro replied as he held up his glass, deciding to make a toast as this would be their farewell party. 

"Like It or not Shiro, I don't think you'll be leaving either" Matthew pointed out as he held up his own glass with the rest and sending a knowing look towards the man. 

"I'm really not leaving her, Am I?" Shiro finally accepted defeat, lowering his head as he knew he couldn't just walk away like he hoped to do. 

"Here's to staying" Lance toasted instead with a huge, face cracking grin. His ship was close to sailing, this was the best day to die on. 

"We're all so very screwed" Shiro groaned out, lifting his glass once more. 

"I'll toast to that statement" Antok smirked back. 

"Cheers!" Regris called out with a bright smile and they all soon started downing their drinks. 

But their good mood was stolen away as they soon spat their drinks back out in disgust. The whole pub all soon following after as their drinks no longer held the bitter-sweet taste they once did moments before. 

"Sweet Jesus!" Regris cursed out in disgust, all of them wiping at their mouths. 

"Tasted just like.." Matthew started to say, falling silent as theri eyes all landed upon the water fountain. 

"Blood" Shiro finished off for him in shock, staring at the once clear water was now a blood red and purely blood itself, Shiro glass slipping out from his grip and smashing against the floor. 

"And the rivers and waters of Egypt ran red and were as blood" Lance quoted as he watched Shiro step closer towards the fountain. 

"Aww, you remembered one of the curses" Matthew cooed back, completley smitten over his boyfriend remembering such a line. 

"I know. I'm so proud over myself" Lance squealed back and hugging his beloved one. 

"He's here" Shiro barely spoke above a whisper, the dreading surspious over the creature already being upon them and fear filling his heart at the thought. 

"Katie" Shiro gasped out, sprinting out of the room and hating himself for leaving her by herself when someone so dangerous was on their tail. 

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