Sweetheart's Castle pt10

Start from the beginning

The moles, after pushing it a bit further in, ran to the back of the room and watched as the cake shook as a drum roll played from...somewhere.

The cake opened up and out popped Sweetheart herself, dressed in a pure white dress.

“It is nothing you have ever seen before! The only perfect suitor for Sweetheart is Sweetheart herself!” The mole revealed.

Sweetheart let out a laugh as the crowd went wild. Cheers and feet-stomping was the only thing that could be heard with her laugh.

“SILENCE!” She suddenly yelled, scaring everyone into not talking.

“Let us begin the ceremony!” Sweetheart clapped her hands together.

The choir had begun to sing once again as Sweetheart made her way down the aisle. The green-haired mole cleared his throat, “Dearly beloved...we have gathered here today-”

Kel had to hold back his laughs as Hero sighed, “I mean when they say to make sure to love yourself I am pretty sure they never meant this…” He muttered.

“Pff- yeah, yeah I just-” Kel kept holding back his laughs. His brain decided to supply him with an old video of a man saying, “Accept yourself, love yourself, respect yourself-” causing poor Kel to laugh more.

“Dude, quiet down!” Aubrey scolded.

“Now, does anyone object to this holy matrimony? Speak now, or forever hold your peace!”

No one spoke up.

“In that case, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Sweetheart and Sweetheart! You may now kiss the bride-” “Wait a minute Mike.” Ye Old Sprout spoke up.

“Huh? What is it, father?” The mole turned to him.

“I sense, non-sprout moles!” He shouted.

‘Shit.’ Was what the whole group was thinking as they tried to make their presence unknown.

“Really! Intruders? Here? Guards! Find them!” Mike commanded.

...No guards came, however.


“Yay, another battle…” Hero groaned, “Let’s get this over with.”

The group took off their sprout mole masks and walked out from behind the chairs, “Hello again, Sweetheart.” Hero waved.

“Oh! What is this? Have you finally come back for me, my second to true love?” Sweetheart asked with a smile.

“Uhh well-” “Oh yes! My lover! I knew you would change your mind! Please just marry me already, my Hero~”

“No.” Kel, Aubrey, and Hero chorused at the same time, clearly disgusted by Sweetheart.

“Tch, then I guess I have about no choice!” Sweetheart sighed, “Oh, my Hero I do wish it didn’t come down to this but I guess if you refuse my love there is only one solution!”

“You’ll let us leave and we never have to speak of this again?” Hero silently hoped that would be the case.

“Nope!” Sweetheart twirled and suddenly she was back into her original outfit, pulling out a spiked sliver mace that was decorated with hearts with an evil grin, “Instead I prefer that if I can’t have that gorgeous face, no one else can! Oooo, or I can throw you in the dungeon again...hmm choices…”

“No way are we heading back in there!” Aubrey yelled, “That was torture!”

“Why yes darling, that is what dungeons are built for. Now, where were we? Oh right, about to battle! Moles! Play my theme!”

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