Sweetheart's Castle pt1

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“Honestly what else could we do?” Hero sighed.

“Alright, Omori! Pick a hall and we’ll follow you!” Kel grinned.

Omori nodded and thus the group began heading through the top left hallway. Sweetheart statues lined the hallways, each in the same obnoxious pose. Hero was starting to see why Sunny hates her.

“Graa! This way is the Upper Chambers! To the bottom left is the Gallery and the Library! Graa!” A flamingo yelled once Omori poked it.

“The chambers? I don’t really think we should go that way…” Kel muttered.

“I agree, what if Sweetheart is up there?” Aubrey looked towards Hero.

“I say that we save that place for last, that is, if we need to go there…” Hero spoke confidently, “What about you Omori? Thoughts?” Hero silently began berating himself, Omori wasn’t going to speak!

What Omori did instead do, however, was give Hero a supportive thumbs up to show he liked the plan.

Omori then proceeded to lead them downwards into the bottom left hall which was also lined with the same statues from above. She really liked her own face, didn’t she?

Kel jokingly walked over to a statue and touched it, “Boop!”

“Kel!” Aubrey yelled. She gasped in shock when the statue he touched changed into Sweetheart holding an umbrella.

“Guys, stop messing with the statues! We might get caught!” Hero scolded in a whisper.

“Sorry…” Kel and Aubrey awkwardly looked away.

Up ahead there were multiple sprout moles. Some running around and some simply standing still, blocking the way past. Another mole was standing in front of them, seeming to be yelling about something. The group walked closer to hear the conversation they were having.

“Let me through! You don’t know how long I have waited to see Sweetheart’s latest work!” One mole yelled.

“Please let me in! I will write you a good review! Swear!” Another one added.

“I wonder what this is about…” Hero pondered.

“Well whatever it is, we should probably head down first before checking this out. This seems...important.” Aubrey spoke her thoughts.

“Yeah I agree, continue leading Omori!” Hero nodded.

The group headed downwards and took a right.

“Bah, dead-end on this side. Let’s- Omori?” Kel watched as the black and white boy walked upstairs that seemingly led to a wall before touching it, his hand sinking through as if it was liquid.

Everyone except him gasped.

“Awesome!” Kel ran to Omori.

“Wait for me!” Aubrey ran as well.

“Guys! It might be dangerous!” Hero followed last, concerned for everyone's safety.

The wall leads them into a dungeon-like designed room. Cages that seemed like only birds or sprout moles could fit in hung from the ceiling.

“Huh, seems like another part of the dungeon.” Kel pointed out.

“Might be unused. Keep an eye out though…” Hero added.

After walking down three long staircases the air kept getting colder and colder.

It reminded Hero of the Lost Woods.

There was a hole in the roof, leading sunlight down into what looked to be a sewer gutter to Hero, but in this place, who knows? It might be a torture device.

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