Great Wall of China 210 bc

290 9 2

We went inside his TARDIS and I sat down on one of the jump seat.

"So, how does this work?"

He pressed a few buttons and levers and then the TARDIS shook.

"Like that."

"So you're telling me that when I walk out these doors, we'll be in China?"

"Ah yes!"

I went over to the doors and opened them both. In front of me was the Great Wall of China, or what was going to be the Great Wall of China.

"This is... this is... this is..."
I was speechless. I always wanted to see something awesome being made and now I am. But it didn't seem like much Of an adventure, more like a tour. I wish something cool would happen, with aliens and stuff. That would be... fantastic!!

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I just realized that he had left my side and started... well, I actually had no idea what he was doing. He had this wand that projected a light onto the ground, he opened it, and said 'Ah yes.'

"What? What is that?"

"It's my sonic screwdriver. I can scan things with it, open doors and windows, I can do a lot of things with it, as long as it isn't deadlocked or wood."

"A screwdriver? Where'd you get it?"

"I made it."

Okay, so I was with a time lord who could travel through time and space, fight aliens, help aliens, see aliens, he is an alien, he has a TARDIS, and he made a sonic screwdriver! What can't he do?

"Why'd you say, 'ah yes' before?"

"Because my sonic picked up something, but I rather we just go back to the TARDIS."

Okay, go back to the TARDIS? I really didn't want to, but the look on his face, this really scared look that showed that whatever happened next was not going to be good, made me go back to the TARDIS. I was about to close the doors when I realized he wasn't coming in the TARDIS.

"Aren't you coming?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." With that he snapped his fingers and the doors closed. Locked. What am I supposed to do? I thought to myself. I can't just stay inside this unknown place, not that China was any better, but this place was bigger on the inside. Just how big was what I was afraid of.

All of a sudden, a scan dropped down for the top of the console, and it showed the Doctor outside the TARDIS. I watched it while he got everyone out of the area. He was about to go in the TARDIS when I started hearing footsteps approaching him. They didn't sound like people's footsteps though, they sounded like metal.

I went to the doors again to see if they would open. I wanted an adventure, and I could clearly tell that this was one. But again, the doors stayed firm. I walked back over to the scanner to see that the Doctor was surrounded by metal men. He was cornered, and I knew I had to help him. But how? I turned the volume up so I could hear what he was saying. But he was just reasoning with them, and telling them who he is. He got his sonic from his coat pocket and pointed it at them, and they all fell to the floor.

I heard a click and instantly knew the doors were open. I ran outside to him, he looked startled, but not the least bit scared.

"What were they?"

"They were cyber men. They are programmed to do two things: convert, or delete."

"When you say men, does that mean they're human? That they're alive?"
He just killed a bunch of people, innocent or not, he's killing my kind.

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