“Actually, yes I did.” Kel deadpanned.

“...” Aubrey stayed silent before letting out another sigh, “Do you even know why I took it?”

“No?” Kel gave a confused look.

“Heh, what I thought. Maybe ask Basil why I took it and then find out why I don’t plan to hand it back.”

“Ugh, I don’t care what he did! I just want to see him happy! If that means I need to steal it from you I will!”

“Try me.” Aubrey stood up and walked out of her row, “If ya want it that badly, meet me at the park.” She proceeded to storm out the building, her bat in tow.

“Damn it…” Kel sighed to himself.

He knew another fight was coming and after the last one, he knew that his ass was destined to be kicked. He had no chance of winning, after all, she has a bat! With nails in it! Who would survive that?!

“Sunny do you have any ideas on how we can beat her?” he decided to ask his companion.

Sunny seemed to look down in thought before getting up. He made a motion for Kel to follow him outside.

Outside of the church, Sunny made Kel hold out his hands.

Was he planning to give Kel a weapon? What kind of weapon did he have that could beat a bat with-

Sunny pulled out a steak knife and put it in Kel’s hand.

Kel’s body froze up and Sunny looked at him with confusion. Was-was Sunny telling Kel to stab Aubrey?

“Sunny, my dear friend, my number one amigo that I would trust with my life.” Kel took in a deep breath, “Why do you have a knife?!?”

Sunny just sorta stared at Kel and then shrugged.

“Sunny knives are dangerous! I am not going to-” “Scare her.” Sunny spoke for the first time, his voice sounding like he hasn’t spoken in several years. It honestly looked like his own voice scared him.


“Scare her,” Sunny stated again.

Kel took a moment to process what Sunny had said. He could actually use the knife to scare Aubrey into handing the album over. Would that even work?

“...I guess that could work. Still concerned about why you were carrying a knife.” Kel muttered.

“Later.” Sunny shrugged.

“Yeah, for now, we need to get Basil’s photo album.” Kel nodded in agreement.


The awful feeling grew. It was suffocating. Almost as if he did something bad in school and the principal called his parents and now he was awaiting punishment from them.

Heh, like his parents had even cared for him in the first place.

Tears began to roll down his eyes as he let out a laugh.

“Why are you laughing? You shouldn’t laugh. It isn’t funny.”

Oh, but it was. He deserved it. He deserved to be laughed at, but since no one is here to laugh at him but himself he must take the roll. He was a joke. A stupid joke.

“It isn’t funny. Stop. Stop it.”

He couldn’t stop. Even if he wanted to he couldn’t. It was just too funny. How much of a joke his life is.

“You shouldn’t laugh because you don’t deserve it. No one deserves to laugh at you. You are a horrible joke. An offensive joke that shouldn’t exist. You shouldn’t laugh.”

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