Fights with the Hooligans.

Start from the beginning

“...She won’t hand it back to me, no matter how many times I asked,” Basil muttered under his breath.

“WHAT A DICK MOVE!” Kel angrily kicked the ground. Kel quickly covered up his anger when he looked back at Basil, “Don’t worry man! Me and Sunny will get it back!”

Sunny looked over at Kel before turning his head away. Sunny knew no matter what he wanted to do, Kel was probably going to drag himself into a dangerous situation.

Sunny wasn’t blind. He knew when he saw the baseball bat with nails in it that she could easily kick Kel’s and Sunny’s ass.

Sunny felt the weight of the knife he grabbed last night in his back pocket. It was a steak knife but knives are still dangerous. If this goes south at least he can protect him and Kel.

“...Thank you guys…” Basil gave a small smile.

“Also about what you said before, about how we used to be friends,” Kel walked forward and placed a hand on Basil’s shoulder, “We are still friends!”

Basil’s eyes teared up a little, “...Okay.”

Kel walked back towards Sunny and grabbed his hand, “We are on the hunt now Sunny! Let’s get going!”

Their ‘hunt’ began back at the park as Kel looked high and low for any signs of where Aubrey could have gone. While checking the area they noticed one of the scooter members standing still near a tree. A tree that was suspiciously shaking.

“Hmm, we could ask him where Aubrey could have gone, couldn’t we Sunny?” Kel decided to ask.

Sunny stood still as if he was thinking before giving a tight nod. Kel walked over to the member and snapped his fingers. “Hey, your name is Charlie right?” Kel began.

Charlie nodded.

“Neat. Do you think you can tell us where Aubrey is?” Kel asked.

“...” Charlie only stared at Kel before walking over to the still shaking tree. She put her hand into a fist and punched the tree, knocking out what looked to be a thirteen-year-old boy.


The child angrily shouted. Charlie pointed to the duo which caught the boy’s attention, “Ah! If it isn’t Kel and a weird quiet kid! Have you come here to challenge the almighty ANGEL!”

“, we came looking for Aubrey.” Kel deadpanned. He really preferred not fighting if he could avoid it.

“Ah, so you came looking for the almighty Aubrey? Hm, you are foolish to think you have a chance of finding her on your own. If you battle with me I shall-” “No! I don’t want to fight!” Kel sighed. He wasn’t going to fistfight a thirteen-year-old boy with barely any experience to find Aubrey.

Kel grabbed Sunny’s hand and dragged him away from the scene while Angel from behind them yelled about how they were cowards. The next place to check was Faraway plaza, which is where they had the unfortunate chance to run into Mikhael. He was hanging out with some ladies trying his hardest to act as a pimp.

He was failing horribly.

“Mikhael, what are you doing?” Kel asked with a groan.

“Ah! If it isn’t Kel and his weird emo friend! What do you want, my archnemesis? Can’t you see I am busy?” Mikhael tried to show off his ladies.

“...I was hoping you can tell me where Aubrey is Mikhael.” Kel deadpanned.

“Stop calling me that! I told you many times before that my name is now The Maverick!” Mikhael complained.

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