Happy Face

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It was just after another session of writing lines with Umbridge and Harry was pissed. Today was an early detention, one that was after lunch, so Harry could do what he liked that Friday afternoon.

Harry stalked down the Hogwarts halls in rage, his magic just visible enough and flickering and licking at the walls. Hogwarts shuddered but did not stop her heir, for she was angry too.

Harry honestly wondered, when the rage wasn't all consuming, why people were trying to stop and or calm him down at this point. They could barely get close without falling to their knees. Harry found it kind of pathetic. Let them try, though, because he didn't care for them at the moment.

The only thing he cared about was the utterly startled and shocked blank look on baby Malfoy's face as Harry stalked the dungeon halls. A sharp and vindictive smile stretched across Harry's lips before Draco was hitting the floor with a cry of pain and holding his jaw.

It was funny to Harry how uncompossed Draco was lying on the floor curled up like that. Although Harry would rather Draco became uncompossed in a different way, an idea that stretched his serpentine smile just a smidgen wider.

With a shrug as the blood lust portion of his anger subsided, Harry hooked his fingers into the back of Draco's robe collar and started dragging the flailing blonde down the hall.

Severus Snape was sent a very sharp and aggressive look when he peered out of his classroom door at the commotion. The look made Snape blank before slowly backing into his room and closing the door without even a glance at his godson because there wasn't anything he could really do. Severus was really regretting all the shit he has done to Harry over the years because now just seeing that blazing fire in Harry's emerald eyes brought out Snape's old memories of when Lily would drag James down the hall to a Head of House after another dangerous prank. Truly, there was more Lily in the young Potter then there was James and Severus planned to rectify his wrongs now. After Harry calmed his fire, of course. Snape doesn't have a death wish.

Aside from Severus's thoughts, Draco was panicking. He truly had no idea what was going on this time and bloody hell did his face freaking hurt. In mini Malfoy's honesty opinion, that punch hurt more than Hermione's did, and that's saying something because that book-worm has a real mean hook. Where she learned it, Draco will never know but he might try if he survives whatever the hell Harry is going to do. The Ferret was actually worried for his safety, which isn't normal with Harry because it always seemed as if the boy just rolled with the punches and didn't care all that much. Draco really hoped he wasn't murdered. He'd even apologize if he makes it out of the ordeal alive.

Getting roughly shoved against a wall in an empty classroom far into the depths of abandoned Hogwarts wings caused Draco to snap out of his panicked thoughts and stare at Harry in bewilderment. Especially since Potter was now caressing the cheek he punched and it tingled with healing magicks.

"P-potter. What are you doing?" Draco asked rather meekly, squirming when he fully noticed Harry had him pinned against a wall. He could feel the thick layers of silencing wards about the room and could see Harry's agitated magic shimmering where the wards would be.

"Something I should have done a while ago but felt wasn't appropriate until I finished this war for the bloody adults and asked aunt Narcissa for some help. You wouldn't happen to have a secret infatuation with me that really isn't secret because you blab to literally every Slytherin young and old about it, right?" Harry grinned evilly, because he knew the truth. Draco flushed Weasley red and stuttered negatives out while looking away from Harry. Slytherins aren't meant to be caught but now Draco is in a net of blackmail and has no idea how to respond.

"Ah, I thought so. Maybe I'll indulge you if you promise me some things." Harry smirked then, causing Draco to blank because oh my merlin Harry is secretly a Slytherin, I'm going to die.

"W-what things?" Draco muttered out after a few seconds of collecting his crazed and confused thoughts.

"First thing, would you kindly stop being an arsehole and be my boyfriend instead? Because you're really cute, definitely has a good personality if you aren't on my case all the time, and we'd both get to indulge our inappropriate fantasies about one another. With consent of course because nothing is sexier then knowing your partner actually wants your advances." Harry spoke so nonchalant that Draco just balked, blinking a few times in shock.

"What the fuck..." Baby Malfoy muttered, blinking a few times more before nodding his head. "Yeah. Um, y-yeah. I can do that. I, uh, I wouldn't mind." Draco was so lost.

Harry just grinned at the Ferret before growling out as he spoke of his next thing. "Second thing. Can you please for the love of all things magic ask your dad to remove Umbridge because I am literally still bleeding from my latest detention with her where she still continues to force me to write lines with a blood quill. Merlin forsaken thing is really making me hate quills. I might just go buy a bunch of muggle pens. The soft and rubbery ones, preferably." Harry lifted his hand with barely a seen grimace and showed his new boyfriend his actively bleeding hand. How Draco hadn't noticed that was beyond either of them.

"Holy Morgana, P- Harry. We need to get this healed before it gets worse and why have you not being putting pressure on it?! You are bleeding profusely!" Draco started muttering about Harry's idiocy as he dug into his school bag and started pulling out magical medical supplies. Why the blond has that in there, Harry doesn't know, but he'll take it and love Draco for it. Which made Harry grin softly and peck Draco on the lips with a soft kiss that he personally thought was much better then that one time Chang kissed him.

Draco paused before scowling and grabbing Harry's hand to started healing it. "You're not getting out of this regardless of how long I waited for kisses from you." The baby Malfoy huffed out, applying salves and creams and finally a bandage to Harry's hand.

The two of them did a lot of cutesy couple things later on after Draco was content with his healing of Harry's hand and after Draco had sent out his anti mail ward letter to his father. Harry was very happy to indulge Draco's cute fantasies if it meant they both got their more private times together and that Umbitch will be gone from the school soon enough.

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